Fire Risk Assessment - how much do we pay attention?
A fire Fire Risk Assessmentsis a systematic survey of a premises aiming to identify
fire hazards and to recommend measures to reduce the risk of those hazards.
The aim is that the responsible person (TFL Building Manager) takes reasonable measures, to protect from fire, the relevant people (staff and visitors of the Complex) on the premises.
The process of fire risk assessment examines various elements within a building in order to assess whether or not additional protective measures are required.
a) Sources of fuel and ignition (hazard identification).
-The actual hazards present within the building being assessed; without which a fire could not exist (and therefore no hazard).
b) People and property at risk.
- Whether the occurrence of a fire is likely to result in damage, injury or death.
c) Control measures in place.
- An analysis of the current control measures offering mitigation in the event of a fire and their effectiveness.
A Fire Risk Assessmentshas been conducted within the last 18 months and the recommendations of this report have been noted by the Building Manager. Most of the recommendations have been implemented by the Building Manager she has also confirmed he is aware that there are a number of fire doors that require upgrading.
A recorded fire risk assessment is required as per the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (RRO) under the Regulatory Reform Act 2001.
The following sections briefly describe the fire safety strategy for these occupied premises that was observed during the survey. The observed fire strategy is described under the following headings.
Means of escape
Evacuation plan
Facilities for the fire brigade
The following sections briefly describe the fire safety strategy for these occupied premises that was observed during the survey. The observed fire strategy is described under the following headings.
Fire Risk Assessment - how much do we pay attention?