I seem to find that many webmasters seem to think that by doing SEO or link building
every once in awhile they think that their site will be ranked well in the search engines but the truth is that it takes a lot of work and continuous work to get your site at the top of the search engines. Although this isnt true for all webmasters but I do seem to notice a lot of people think this way.
Another thing that Ive noticed is that people seem to give up on their site often times when they see no results, everything you do for your site often doesnt have an immediate effect and some people may lose confidence and give up altogether, but if you keep aggressive with your link building for your site you will find out that it will pay off in the long run. And in 2010 its much easier to find new ways to promote your website via backlinks with all of the new social sites, like facebook, digg and other various community sites that may relate to your sites niche.
One example that I can give to be aggressive is by mixing up the type of links you are getting when you do decide to do some link building or offpage SEO for example if you decide to write a new article for your website then submit it to article directories instead of just doing that you could also bookmark the published article on some various other social bookmarking websites to further increase the exposure of that article. That will also help get your site 3rd tier backlinks, 3rd tier backlinks are basically a link that goes to another page with your backlink on it. One other thing you could do is with the same article you could get it posted on some blog networks, you will find that there is also some people who allow you to host your article on their blog or even purchase a blog posting service.
Another part to increase your website exposure is by opening up an twitter account for your site and even a blog. This is a great way to have clients or customers follow you and you could give updates on twitter and on your blog you could write about your product or services to give your audience a great understanding about your website.
In the long run any webmaster who updates, runs link building campaigns and off page SEO will be ahead of those who are not.