Finding A Job In Today's Market

Share: In today's economy it's more important than ever that you make a good impression
. We're getting to the point that a four year degree doesn't really say much about you. I think it's safe say that who you know is more important that what you know. This is why it's important that you look professional and act in a dignified matter everywhere you go, especially when meeting with prospective business partners or future employers.
From what I've seen in the world today, a good reference can go a long way. By having someone refer you to a present or past employer is worth so much more than what you put on your resume. A reference gives you an interview and it's in that interview where you really show who you are and what you are capable of. This is why it's important that you look your best and you come prepared.
When preparing for an interview, you want to make sure that anything you say, do or even wear effects the persons decision in a positive way. If you show up to a job interview for a managerial position wearing jeans and a T shirt, you're saying I'm just like every other guy. But when you show up in a business suit with a classy shirt and tie and a nice pair of Rockport Shoes then your showing the interviewer that you mean business and you know how to do business. The way you take care of yourself reflects the way you take care of your life. If you don't know how to dress to an interview or don't understand the importance of clean shave and nice haircut, then how can you convey the message of success to clients and others who may be watching?
Not only is it important to dress and look professional when going to an interview, but also to prepare a list of answers for the questions you will be asked. For example, Why should I pick you over the others? What makes you better? Why are you qualified for the position? I was always told to research the company that I was interviewing for before I went in to the interview. This way you know what the company is about and will have an idea of what the vision is before you step into that office.
The way you look and present yourself goes a long way in today's world. Remember to dress professional, this includes a suit and a nice pair of mens dress shoes. Be confident and convey that message to whomever you are speaking with. Show up promptly and ready to roll. With a good reference on top of all that, you will find a job in no time.
by: JD Hoopes
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