Custom Lapel Pins for Your Next Holiday Function

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By Caryn Smith 2010, All Rights Reserved
Christmas is just around the corner and if you want an exciting gift to give your employees, vendors, and volunteers, you should consider the visual impact and appeal of custom lapel pins. Available in any size, shape, color, and style that you desire, these small tokens of appreciation can be worn in a visible location like a shirt, jacket or hat.
Doubling As Holiday Decorations
They can also be used to decorate Christmas cards, placemats, and napkin ring holders. Doubling as holiday dcor, personalized lapel pins make a bold statement. People will appreciate the great effort you put into their gifts and thank you accordingly.
The Gift That Keeps On Giving
The lapel pins you create do not have to be holiday themed. They can feature whatever image you think will make the greatest impression on their recipients. That is the great thing about personalized pins. You can design them in whatever fashion that you see fit. In fact, some of the most attractive lapel pins are larger or smaller than the average size you ordinarily see.
You can present lapel pins in boxes or velvet bags. You can even attach them to the outside of a miniature stocking for each one of your employees and volunteers. This adds a fun and festive touch to your event and requires very little effort to accomplish. In fact, you can even order lapel pins attached to custom cardstock for a really nice presentation option.
Give your office something with meaning this year. Custom lapel pins personalized with the name of your business, its logo, and the current year make great holiday gifts and stocking stuffers for everyone on your gift list.
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