Exploring The Role Of Dental Implants In Dental Treatment
Dental implants play a very pivotal role in dental treatment
. Indeed, it wouldn't be too far off the mark to assert that without the help of dental implants, it would be near impossible to carry out restorative dentistry; like where people who lose their natural teeth have them replaced with 'artificial' teeth like the so-called dentures.
But what exactly is the role of dental implants in dental treatment, one asks.
Well, simply put, it is the dental implants that give life to the replacement teeth (which are normally made from materials that are actually non-organic). In order to understand the exact role of dental implants in treatment, it would be worth taking early cognizance of the fact that the body does not easily 'accept' foreign parts being introduced to it. The body knows, through a complex identification system, which its 'natural' parts are, and it doesn't readily accept replacements to them. That is why, for instance, we have situations where you get a new earring installed on your ear, only for the ear to 'reject' it: causing quite a mess, complete with pus and all stuff.
But while the body's acceptance rates for things like earrings are still reasonably high, so that acceptance is the rule rather than the exception, things are not so rosy for things teeth replacements. Granted, it is easy enough to craft something that looks like a tooth, and proceeds to fit it on the jawbone. Unlike something like an earring, it is not even like to get septic, provided you do it right. The problem, though, is that it will not have 'life.' It will not, for instance, have sensation- because to do so, it would need to get hooked to the central nervous system. Similarly, it is not likely to have blood flowing in it, because to do so, it would need to be hooked to the body's circulation.
So we end up in a situation where we need to connect the replacement tooth to the rest of the body's system. And it is here that the dental implants come in.
The working of the dental implants is based on the understanding of the fact that some materials are known to eventually get integrated into the body. To be sure, there are very few such materials. Indeed, at the moment, only titanium - and alloys where it is dominant - have been known to eventually get successfully integrated into the body. Thus when they are placed somewhere, they body eventually comes to see them as a part of it, and provides sensation, nutrition and everything else it needs to them.
For this reason, many dental implants are made from titanium, and alloys where titanium is dominant. It is the dental implants then, which get hooked to the jawbones; eventually getting integrated with the rest of the body, before the replacement teeth are introduced. This way, the dental implant, which has gotten 'accepted' by the body serves as a 'root' for the replacement tooth, connecting it to the rest of the body's systems, and giving 'life' to it.
by: James Maloney
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