Teeth Whitening - The Possible Side Effects
If there is one type of cosmetic treatment that has been very widely sought after in recent days
, then it has to be teeth whitening. Unlike other cosmetic procedures, which are typically seen as rather superfluous and 'going overboard,' teeth whitening is something that many people, even the most conservative folks, can relate with. Talk to any dentist in general practice at a place where he or she sees many people a day, and chances are that he or she will tell you that they have at least met one person looking for teeth-whitening services - within that same day.
We need not go into the reasons for which people are looking for teeth-whitening help, for the reasons are so obvious. After all, we are living in an increasingly image conscious society, where having the right looks opens many doors. And while there are aspects of your 'look' that you may not be able to do anything about (and which you can therefore convince yourself to' just live with'), there are others that you are likely to get the impression that you can change - for instance, the color of your teeth. This is what could see you, then, looking for teeth whitening services.
Now one commonly asked question, by people looking for teeth-whitening service, is as to what side effects may arise from the procedure. This is a question that has been coming up especially frequently in recent days, as people become more and more informed about the workings of medicine: where a basic tenet is that virtually all substances and procedures come with a potential for side effects. Therefore the people looking for teeth whitening want to understand what the possible side effects are - to see whether they are worth putting themselves through in pursuit of that 'perfect smile.'
So what are the possible side effects of teeth-whitening?
Well, the possible side effects of whitening depend on which approach to teeth whitening is used in any given case.
The approaches to teeth-whitening include bleaching (which is essentially a chemical approach), and veneering (which is essentially a mechanical approach).
In teeth whitening that involves the use of bleaching, possible side effects include enhanced dental sensitivity, which can be quite uncomfortable to the person in whom it is present. In a bid to penetrate the tooth and bleach away the stain on it (so as to make it brilliant white), the bleach used can also end up inadvertly damaging the enamel that covers the tooth: leading to the dental sensitivity. This is especially likely to be the case where very high concentration bleaches are used. The less concentrated teeth whitening solutions, on the other hand, have a lowered likelihood of causing dental sensitivity, though they are also less potent. There is also the risk of getting the slight poisoning effects that could result from excessive swallowing of the bleach used.
In teeth whitening that uses the mechanical approach (like veneering), one of the possible side effects is that of injuring the teeth in the considerably invasive preparatory procedure that precedes the installation of veneers. Thankfully, with today's high-precision dental technology, the chances of this actually taking place are considerably reduced.
So in the final analysis, we can conclude that teeth whitening, however you go about it, comes with potential side effects. But provided it is carried out the right way, the chances of those side effects actually manifesting are lowered.
by: James Maloney
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