Effective Singing Exercises That's Ever Been Designed To Hit High Notes in Perfect Balance - Watch Online Singing Video Lesson in Members Area

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If you are finding that you've had a loss of upper vocal range and those high notes don't come as easy as they used to I've got some good news for you!
First of all, let me start by saying that you definitely can get this range back, and more.
The reason for loosing these precious notes off the top of your range has got everything to do with vocal technique.
And it has absolutely nothing to do with your age, which is a common myth.
So what's happened here?
Why could you previously hit your high notes but now you can't?
Well, as I said earlier, there's something you're doing that's stopping you from being able to easily hit these notes. This means something in your technique is making it hard to get right up there.
The thing is: to hit high notes there are a few factors that need to be in perfect balance.
The three biggest factors are:
1. Your vocal chord coordination
2. Your breath support
3. The way your sound resonates
Now, you might have heard about the different vocal registers that you can sing in?
There are three. They are:
1. Your chest voice (Your lower vocal range)
2. Your mixed voice (This vocal register is in the middle of your range, and can extend up to your highest notes. It actually sounds like you're using your chest voice, but your vocal chords are in a different configuration)
3. Your head voice (Your head voice is a more "classical sound")
To hit your highest notes you need to be singing in either your mixed voice or your head voice.
One thing that many singers try to do, which prevents them from reaching their highest notes, is trying to sing in chest voice throughout their entire vocal range.
Doing this will automatically cut your vocal range in half, resulting in a big loss of upper vocal range.
So let me give you an exercise that will help get you to make the transition and easily sing in your upper registers.
The exercise I'm about to tell you about will not only allow you to rediscover the loss of upper vocal range, but also discover many new notes on top of this.
The name of this exercise is "the lip roll".
This is one of the most effective singing exercises that's ever been designed.
Just by practicing this exercise you will be conditioning perfect singing technique into your voice.
It will automatically balance your breath support automatically causes your vocal chords to form the right coordination for the area of your voice you are singing in and naturally balance your vocal resonance so the quality of your tone is top notch.
If you practice this exercise for just fifteen minutes a day you'll find that vocal range you thought you'd never get back, as well as much more.
Now, there is a video where you can watch a singer go through this "lip roll" exercise. Since the best way to learn this technique is to watch someone else do it, I want to refer you to this video.
When you get there, click on the "free stuff" tab at the top of the page, and go through the sign up process.
Once you're signed up (this will only take a few seconds) watch the online singing video lesson in the members area.
In this video is a demonstration of the "lip roll". Watch this and practice it yourself.
As soon as you begin you'll be able to feel the difference.
You can sing with less tension and you can connect to your upper vocal range easily. It feels great!
CLICK HERE Learn to Sing Like a Professional!
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Effective Singing Exercises That's Ever Been Designed To Hit High Notes in Perfect Balance - Watch Online Singing Video Lesson in Members Area