Website Where You Can view Online Singing Videos - Vocal Training Tools That Introduce Correct Singing Technique

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I'd like to give you some vocal training tools that work extremely well.
These are the little "tricks" that allowed me to go from a pretty "terrible" voice, to a singing voice that gets me compliments all the time.
The funny thing about singing, is it's the things that you would never think would make a difference
that make a difference!
What I mean is: there are silly little exercises that sound pretty funny that actually will improve your voice like you won't believe. You will know this for yourself in just a few seconds
Here's the thing that can make singing difficult
Firstly singing is actually a pretty easy thing to do when you know how to do it.
The thing is you need to be introduced to the right technique that will allow you to discover the full potential of your voice.
If you want to learn how to ride a bike it's a different story. You can probably watch someone ride, and then get on the bike and learn pretty quickly.
With singing however, there is an extra step at the start. Simply watching someone sing won't teach you a whole lot about how to sing. Instead you need someone to say, "make this noise" and then you learn how it feels to form your sound correctly.
Fortunately there are some great vocal training tools that can introduce you to the singing voice within you By practicing certain exercises you will learn exactly how it feels to sing correctly. And then you can reproduce this over and over, and improve as you go.
When you have this correct method to follow, you can actually develop a stellar singing voice pretty quickly.
Ok, so now let me give you some vocal training tools that will "introduce you" to correct singing technique.
Now, I'm going to refer you to a website in a moment so you can actually "hear" the exercises I'm talking about. Or else it's pretty hard for me to explain the exercise with words only.
Ok, so when you get to the website (by following the link below) scroll down the screen until you see the online videos. Now watch them all, but pay particular attention to the video featuring Wes Hampton.
In this video you will see Wes do a strange sound with his lips flapping. This is an exercise called the "lip roll".
Try and make this sound with your voice. This is an extremely effective exercise that will build excellent coordination into your voice and if you practice this exercise regularity you will find that singing feels much easier, and you will extend your vocal range by many notes also.
Also pay attention to the video featuring Taylor Pey. At about the 1:30 mark in the video, she does an exercise with a very whiny sounding "Nay". Try this exercise for yourself. This is also a great exercise that gets your voice functioning smoothly and it can have a big impact on your singing if you practice it daily.
Ok, so here's the website below where you can view these videos. Enjoy them and marvel at how easy singing feels after practicing these exercises.
CLICK HERE Learn to Sing Like a Professional!
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Website Where You Can view Online Singing Videos - Vocal Training Tools That Introduce Correct Singing Technique