Dysmenorrheal Causes and Treatment of Dysmenorrheal
Dysmenorrheal Causes and Treatment of Dysmenorrheal
Dysmenorrheal, the medical term for painful menstruation is a very common gynecological problem faced by women during their adolescence or within 4 to 5 years from the first menstruation. With aging this problem gets reduced and finally disappears. It is characterized by severe pain in the uterus.
Read more on Dysmenorrhoea Treatment and Irregular Menstruation Treatment. Also visit on Menopause Treatment
During menstruation a bit of pain and discomfort is normal in all women. But when the pain gets to an extreme level where activities get restricted, that is when one knows that she is suffering from Dysmenorrhea. It can cause the patient with severe pain and throbbing along with nausea and burning sensation. It can cause heavy loss of blood, a condition known as hemorrhage.
It has 2 stages, viz. primary and secondary. Primary Dysmenorrhea features pain and heavy bleeding. Secondary Dysmenorrhea is characterized by an underlying disease or structural abnormality in or outside the uterus. When such symptoms are absent the state is considered to be the primary stage of Dysmenorrhea.
The factors causing Dysmenorrhea is more than multiple. Internal problems are pelvic inflammations, fibroids, Endometriosis, Amendomyosis, Intra-uterine device, Ovarian cysts, Ovarian tumors, Cervical polyps, Cervices, Cervical stenosis, Peritonitis, Chappel syndrome, Psychogenic and the list goes on and on. Other external factors that can cause Dysmenorrhea are normal periodic cycles, diet low in calcium, stopping intake of oral contraceptives, primary Dysmenorrhea, secondary Dysmenorrhea, alcoholism, functional disorders like ovarian malfunction etc.
1. Pain in the lower abdomen region is the primary symptom of dysmenorrhea. Mostly the pain is felt in the suprapubic or umbilical region of the abdomen.
2. Generally, this pain is felt on the left or right abdomen. The pain might radiate to the lower back and thigh region. Apart from this, a person affected by this problem can have fatigue, fainting, headache, diarrhea, vomiting and nausea. Normally, the symptoms of dysmenorrhea appear few hours before menstruation starts. The symptoms can remain for a few days.
Dysmenorrhea is a pre-menstrual syndrome which causes severe pain. Researchers have not yet found the exact reasons for pre-menstrual syndromes. Most women suffer from menstrual cramps because of stress. An imbalanced daily routine and unhealthy food habits can also cause pre menstrual pains. Psychological problem, mainly anxiety, is a major cause for this. One can get some relief from these pains by relaxation and Yoga.
A trusted home remedy for menstrual cramps can help you avoid pain during menstruation cycle. Food is the most important thing we consider most because it not only provides necessary nutrients to our body but also provides immunization power to fight against various diseases. If we consider diet for menstruation cramps, take foods such as whole grain breads, pasta and cereals, fiber and protein, and other such foods which are rich in carbohydrates. In such condition, a bath with warm water or heat pad may be very beneficial. It is always good to relax muscles by putting heating pad on the back to reduce the pain.
One most popular home remedy for menstrual cramps is to consume calcium rich foods because calcium maintains the muscle strengthness. The lack of calcium leads to sever pain in muscled and makes the menstruation cycle more painful and difficult. Black cohosh is also known to provide instant relief in menstrual cramps. It can be taken in several forms including dried root, crude plant, or rhizome, or as dry powder extract.
Menstruation cycle is a natural cycle and with the help of a proven home remedy the pain in menstruation cramps can be reduced significantly.
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