Jock Itch Treatment
Jock Itch or Tinea Cruris is a type of fungal infection which occurs in the skin folds of the groin spreading to inner thighs and other genital areas
. Predominantly observed in males, this skin infection is not so serious but too much itching cause great discomfort to the patients with the chance of the infection spreading to other areas. The case is severe with overweight persons and those who sweat profusely.
Jock itch, if you don't know what it is, is a rash that can peel and flake. Tea tree oil, garlic, and olive oil is what worked for my problem. I look at the over-the-counter drugs but was unsure on their effectiveness. I read people saying that those treatments only keep the infected area clean for a while then the possibility for the infection to come back is very high.
Lamisil makes an excellent spray, powder or cream that works quite well. I've used the powder and it took away the itching and burning in only a couple of days.
Tinactin and Mycelex is a couple of other brands that provide effective treatment. They also have products available in either creams or powders.
Jock itch gets its name because it is common in people who sweat a lot, like athletes. The medical name for all of these types of fungal infections is a tinea infection, and the medical name for jock itch is tinea cruris (pronounced: tih -nee-uh krur -us). It also often occurs in people who are overweight, but anyone can get the infection.
You also need to wash the affected area with soap and water, but lather it gently and remove dead skin flakes slowly. As soon as you are done, dry thoroughly the washed area, and then start applying antifungal creams. Clotrimazole and miconazole are considered as the best treatment for jock itch, and they work by keeping the fungi from multiplying, which can eventually cause the fungi to die.
More and more athletes are turning to natural essential oils to prevent the bacteria or fungus from proliferating in the first place. The most effective use of this technique utilizes a natural soap that contains high-grade tea tree oils and oil of eucalyptus. Defense Soap is not only extremely effective in preventing Jock Itch. The ingredients are known to stop MRSA, Impetigo, Ringworm, Herpes and Staph.
Intake of garlic in large quantities can be increased in your food as jock itch is a fungal infection and it will reduce the complication caused by the jock itch. Garlic is full of antifungal qualities so apply garlic on the infected area. You can also apply honey alternate to the application of garlic.
Try washing with un-perfumed soap...when washing your hair in the shower --don't let the foam from shampoo's seap into creases in the groin area. When toweling off-- pay special attention to carefully drying off in and around that area.
The most effective treatment for Jock itch are antifungal ointments available at a near pharmacy you. The best ointments are Azoles and Allymines. Jock itch can result in the appearance of red rashes on your skin near the groin in the skin folds of the upper thigh and which make you continuously scratch the affected area. These patches are redder in the outer area than in the centre with elevated peripheries.
by: Arnold Davies
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