Dont Get Snarled Up In Motorway Traffic

Share: As any seasoned motorist will already be well aware
, there are few things more frustrating than spending hours on end waiting in lengthy tailbacks on the motorway. However much we try to avoid them, we all seem to find ourselves blundering into a traffic jam at some point and, of course, once youre in it its hard to find a way out without taking yourself well off course from where youre meant to be going. At this time of the year with Easter and the May Day bank holiday following one another in quick succession Britains roads can be a particularly busy and frequently infuriating place to be.
However, its well worth bearing in mind that a bit of forward thinking can help you sidestep the worst of the traffic. Perhaps the most obvious thing you can do to ensure a quicker journey is to ensure you plan your route well in advance. Consult a map and familiarise yourself with the roads you are going to be taking. It may be a good idea to check whether there are any points along your route which are frequently affected by traffic jams and if you can, try to find out whether there are any alternative paths you can take in order to avoid them. This could help save a significant amount of time off your journey should the roads prove busy, and its always handy to have a plan B in reserve.

Share: In addition, the prospect of Easter and May Day bank holiday traffic jams can tempt some drivers to bomb around at excessive speed in an effort to get to their destination that little bit quicker. But its important to remember that speeding can and frequently does cause accidents on Britains roads and this can, of course, result in widespread disruption on surrounding transport arteries. Make sure you drive safely and carefully this spring, and keep a lookout for other motorists travelling at excessive speeds. Needless to say, its sometimes impossible to legislate for the inconsiderate and rash actions of other drivers, but you can at least do your bit to promote road safety.
Its perhaps easier said than done, but you should also try to remain as calm and relaxed as you can when youre out and about on the roads this spring. Although driving can frequently be frustrating, you should remember that getting worked up isnt going to get you to your destination any sooner, and it could in fact increase the risk of an accident. Take a break if you feel yourself growing impatient and intemperate, then return to the road when youve regained your composure.
by: Alan Trotter
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