Different Types Of Dental Crowns
You may need a dental crown, or want to know more about them
. Dental crowns can be made out of a variety of materials. Every type of crown has certain benefits and disadvantages and the best position inside your mouth. Dental crowns can be made out of metals, porcelain fused to metal, resin, and porcelain. One of the benefits of metal crowns is that less tooth has to be removed compared to the other types. Metal crowns can take more biting and chewing, plus they last longer. Also, this type rarely experiences fractures. Metal is the best choice for molars, which are toward the back of the mouth and out of sight. Porcelain that is fused to metal can be matched to the color of your adjacent teeth. However, more wear occurs to adjacent teeth compared to the resin or metal types. The crown's porcelain portion can also break off or chip. Porcelain-fused-to-metal is a good choice for front and back teeth. Crowns that are made of resin are cheaper than other types and can also break.. Porcelain crowns provide the best natural color match than any of the other types. Because of this, porcelain is a good choice for the front teeth.
Multiple visits to the dentist to get your crown
While several dental processes are done in one visit, crowns are usually done in two visits. Your Idaho Falls cosmetic dentist will construct a temporary crown, usually made of acrylic or stainless steel. Permanent crowns are made in laboratories and the dentist puts the custom made crown in your mouth on the second visit, which is two to three weeks after the first visit. At the first visit, your Idaho Falls cosmetic dentist might take several x-rays to check the roots of the tooth receiving the crown. After reshaping the tooth, your Idaho Falls dentist will then make and impression of the tooth that is receiving the crown.
The temporary crown
Having a temporary crown means you have to follow certain precautions. You should avoid sticky foods such as caramel or chewing gum. Also you should sparingly use the side of your mouth that has the temporary crown. Chewing hard foods such as raw vegetables should be stopped when you're wearing the temporary crown.
How long does a dental crown last?
Your crown can last between five to fifteen years. The actual duration of your crown depends on following good hygiene habits and following other oral health habits. You should avoid grinding your teeth, chewing ice, and using your teeth to open packaging.
Possible problems with crowns
The tooth with its new crown may become sensitive immediately as the anesthesia starts to wear off. If the newly crowned tooth still has a nerve in it, you may experience some sensitivity to heat and cold. Your dentist might also recommend that you brush your teeth with toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth. If pain or sensitivity occurs when you bite down, this means that the crown is too high on the tooth. If this happens, call your dentist, he or she can fix the problem. You need to make regular visits to your friendly, local Idaho Falls dentist to have your teeth cleaned. During these appointments, your dentist can let you know of any other needs, such as needing a crown. For more information about dental crowns, contact your local Idaho Falls cosmetic dentist.
by: Shirley E. Dudley
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