Revive Your Smile With Teeth-whitening

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Revive Your Smile With Teeth-whitening
In cosmetic dentistry, teeth-whitening takes top precedent among patients. It is universally valued by men and women, satisfying every budget, time frame and temperament. Teeth whitening can be found in the form of one-hour bleaching sessions at your dentist's office, or home-use bleaching kits that are purchased at your dentist's office. From the red carpet to your home, teeth whitening among Americans have increase by 300 percent over the last five years, according to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. Whitening has been proven to be successful in more than 90 percent of patients and is best suited for patients with teeth that have become darkened from age, coffee, tea, smoking, or medication. Common approaches to whitening your teeth are bleaching at-home or in-office and whitening toothpastes. BleachingBleaching is one of the most common and popular chemical processes used to brighten your discolored or stained teeth. Performed by your dentist in the office, or under dental supervision at home, bleaching has been proven to be a successful whitening treatment. The most effective and safe method of bleaching is dentist supervised. At-home teeth whitening treatments are performed with guidance from your dentist. Your dentist provides a custom-fitted plastic tray made from impressions of your teeth, whitening get and instructions. Most treatments completed at your home may take between 10 to 14 days to notice results. For even quicker results, your dentist can perform in-office whitening or laser whitening, which can often be performed in as little as one hour.Whitening ToothpastesAll toothpastes help to remove surface stains through the action of mild abrasives to some degree, but whitening toothpastes have special chemical or polishing agents that provide additional stain removal effectiveness. Unlike bleaches, whitening toothpastes remove surface staining and do not alter the intrinsic color of your teeth. If you choose to whiten your teeth with whitening toothpaste, it is important to look for the American Dental Association Seal of Acceptance. This ensures that the toothpaste has met the ADA standards of safety and effectiveness. Some commercially available whitening toothpaste can be somewhat effective at removing stains and making your teeth a few shades brighter.What Causes Stains?What you eat plays a significant role in the color of your teeth, and research suggests that certain types of food can contribute to staining more than others. Red wine, coffee, tea, soft drinks, oranges and other acidic foods like citrus fruits or vinegar are especially considered stain-causing agents. Smoking also plays a major role in staining your teeth. The nicotine leaves brown deposits which are gradually absorbed by the tooth causing intrinsic stains. Grinding your teeth can also add cracks to your teeth which can potentially cause darkening in the edges of your teeth, as well as with accidents or damage to your teeth. Personal whitening performed by your dentist in West Orange, is considered to be the most effective and safest method for enhancing your smile. Before using any teeth whitening product, always consult your dentist. Your dentist can help guide you through the whitening process, or recommend the best treatment plan.
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