Complete Car Cover Insurance Plans Reviewed

Share: There are two forms of insurance policies that you can enter into in covering your motor vehicle
, i.e. third party insurance and complete car cover (or comprehensive insurance protection).
In the first instance you insure simply for third party claims against you, meaning that should you be involved in an accident you must cover your personal cost, but the insurer covers repairs to the 3rd party's car. In the matter of complete car cover, your car is covered with insurance against damage and thievery and the 3rd party's expenses are also taken care of. The definition of complete, however, could be misleading if you understood it to mean" that whatever happened to your car" is covered by the insurance policy. That belief is completely wrong. There are exceptions in a complete car cover insurance policy.
If you have an endorsed driver's licence the insurance firm will repudiate any claim whether it's damage to your car or any harm to another party's property. Should you have been intoxicated by alcohol the same basic principle will apply. If someone without a driver's licence drove your car and was involved in any incident the insurance company will also repudiate any claim. Say, your child, without your knowledge took the car and he is not licensed to drive and is involved in an accident, the insurance company will not pay out any claim, unless you laid a charge of thievery against him. Such charge may also not be pulled.
Complete car cover policies will often exclude items such as hail damage, windscreen damage and the loss (theft) of sound and leisure systems, unless such items are exclusively specified to be insured at an extra premium. There are also exceptions applicable to modified cars unless they are modified by the manufacturer. The challenge with any insurance policy is not to assume anything but to accumulate the facts and base your choice on facts only. Cautiously study any complete car cover policy to specifically spot the ommissions to the standard policy. You can then opt to include various options if the insurance firm will accept them or look around for another insurance policy better suited to your specific requirements.

Share: Keep in mind that complete car cover policies are short-term policies, which means that they should be revised every so often. You may have bought a bulk standard 4x4 bakkie and comprehensively covered it at the time of purchase, but a few months later you opt to replace the sound system and fit other wheels that are specified in the vehicles specifications. You don't modify the insurance policy on the vehicle and you are in an accident. The insurance assessor inspects the car to authorise repairs and spots the non conventional or non manufacturers specification wheels. The assessor notifies the insurance provider and the insurer repudiates the claim on the basis that the non standard wheels were the cause of the accident.
It is essential to know the content and meaning of any car insurance including complete car cover in order to avoid any possible clash of interest.
For more information on classic car insurance, go to
by: Pedro Banbury
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