» Auto Insurance » How Come Do Some Motorists Still Do Not Own Car Insurance?
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How Come Do Some Motorists Still Do Not Own Car Insurance?

Today's modern world has got a lot of advantages over and above past times

. Folks in general have got a longer life expectancy compared to their forebears in the past plus there are now a plethora of modern-day amenities available to make living a lot easier like the car, for instance. The disadvantage is that cars may also be expensive to keep.

There's a great deal more with regards to expenses than simply the purchase price when it comes to owning a car. Not only is there the cost of the petrol that you will have to put in at regular intervals, there's also the annual maintenance service to cover as well as possible auto repairs and items like new car tires, for example. Then there's the cost of the cover you'll have to get for the vehicle so you'll naturally want to get your car insurance cheap.

In the UK it's mandatory for all cars on the streets to be covered by insurance and the police have got the legal right to confiscate an automobile if they discover that the vehicle owner doesn't possess car insurance cover. South Africa doesn't, to date, have a law similar to this and it's believed that over 60 % of the vehicles on the roads in this particular country are not insured. However, if recent insurance news is anything to go by there's also a fair number of UK drivers motoring around without insurance coverage as it has been recently reported that UK law enforcement had just seized their millionth motor vehicle.

So what can we deduce from the above paragraph? Well, it certainly seems that there are quite a few motorists both in South Africa and the UK who're operating motor vehicles that are not covered by insurance. But why are they doing so?

If we look specifically at the South African scenario then the substantial cost of buying and maintaining a car could be one reason. In South Africa, brand new automobiles are quite costly to buy thus many people are compelled to acquire motor vehicle finance from their financial institution in order to buy one. This means that a lot of South African motorists have to make monthly vehicle purchase repayments as well as forking out for fuel which regularly rises in price more often than it decreases. As a result there tends not to be much money left in the kitty by the end of the month for comprehensive car insurance.

Another good reason for the unwillingness on the part of the South African motorist to purchase vehicle cover might be that insurance protection generally speaking is viewed as something of a grudge purchase. As expenditures go, there is not a lot in the way of instant satisfaction to be had from purchasing cover except, perhaps, peace of mind. On the other hand, if you purchase a couch you're able to position it in front of the television and start getting use out of it right away.

That being said, car policy coverage is a thing every driver should have be it comprehensive, or at minimum, 3rd party car insurance because the true value of having a car insurance plan will become apparent further down the road when you need to put in a compensation claim.

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by: Pedro Banbury
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How Come Do Some Motorists Still Do Not Own Car Insurance?