Common Problems Associated With Wisdom Teeth In Chicago
We go through some pretty drastic physical and emotional changes in our late teenage years to early adulthood
. Not only are we making the physical transition into maturity, but our brains are undergoing important developments that will result in substantial changes to our thought processes and rationality. Wisdom teeth in Chicago may seem fairly minor in all of this emotional and physical turmoil, but their emergence around the same time (between the ages of 17 and 26) can cause some major and painful problems! Whether you suspect that you have wisdom teeth in Chicago or not, it is always best to seek the professional attention of this dual-degreed oral surgeon. Through X-ray and other imaging equipment, you can be sure that your oral health is safe from the potentially devastating consequences of troublesome wisdom teeth in Chicago Loop! So, without further ado, lets take a look at some of the more common complications associated with the emergence of your third molars:
1.Impacted Wisdom Teeth in Chicago Loop
Wisdom teeth reside within the jaw bone until sometime between the ages of 17 and 26 when they begin to push upwards, out of the jaw and through the gum. A few thousand years ago, when our diets were different and our jaws much larger and more robust, this used to be a seamless process. But now, with our smaller and more gracile jaws, the emergence of wisdom teeth in Chicago Loop tends to be far more problematic. The third molars frequently become impacted: fully or partially entrapped within the jaw bone or the gums. When this happens, wisdom teeth in Chicago Loop can:
Apply pressure to and potentially damage the second molars
Leave the overlying gum extremely vulnerable to bacterial infection
Cause stiffness of the jaw
Chronic headaches that radiate out from the jaw
Pain, swelling and inflammation of the gums at the back of the mouth
General illness.
2.Misaligned Wisdom Teeth in Chicago Loop
Wisdom teeth in Chicago are commonly misaligned. Instead of emerging straight up or down out of the jaw, they do so at an angle. They can lean away from or towards the second molars; or lie at an angle toward or away from the cheek. Some
Wisdom Teeth Chicago Loop even emerge completely sideways or upside down! This can result in a number of problems, including:
Physical damage to the second molars
Overcrowding of the dental arch
Damage to the jawbone and nerves, which is exceptionally painful
Tooth decay as food and bacteria become trapped between the second and third molars, which are hard to keep clean as a result of the angulation of the latter.
Other Complications of Wisdom Teeth in Chicago Loop: Infection, Decay and Abscesses
Wisdom teeth in Chicago Loop physically force their way through the overlying soft tissue, which is not only quite painful, but can leave the entire area extremely vulnerable to infection and the formation of abscesses. Food and bacteria quite readily accumulate beneath the compromised soft tissue and because of the pain and general sensitivity of the area; it can be very hard to keep it clean using traditional methods of brushing and flossing.
Wisdom Teeth in Chicago Loop: What You Can Do
As soon as you suspect that your wisdom teeth are possibly emerging or you reach the age of 18, you should seek the professional attention of this dual-degreed oral surgeon. By keeping a close eye on whats going on above and below the gum line, you can receive the treatment necessary to prevent all of these nasty and painful problems from developing.
by: Mike Johnson
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