Implants: Dental Solutions to Missing Teeth for Rocky Point, NY Patients
Implants: Dental Solutions to Missing Teeth for Rocky Point
, NY Patients
There are numerous reasons that teeth fall out; injury and decay are the most common, and the best solution may be implants. Dental clinics in Rocky Point, NY should offer this service in addition to Invisalign braces and other treatments. Implantation consists of placing a permanent, prosthetic tooth in the place of the missing one.
The process of placing tooth implants sounds simple on paper, but is actually quite complex and requires at least two visits. Performed by an experienced dental surgeon on a suitable subject however, dental implants have a success rate of 95%.
Dental Implantation: Ideal Candidates
Those who are most likely to benefit from implantology are those who are in otherwise good heath, practice good oral hygiene and refrain from tobacco use. Patients who are taking immuno-suppressive drugs (as in transplant patients) or who have suffered from periodontal (gum) disease are usually not good candidates for dental implants. There are other alternatives however; your dental professionals can explain these to you in greater detail.
Cost of Dental Implants
One of the drawbacks of dental implants is their expense; a single implant can cost anywhere from $1,200 to $3,000. Actual fees depend on the difficulty of the operation and which tooth or teeth are being replaced. These costs are not generally covered by dental insurance plans. Your dentist may offer financing with easy payments to fit almost any budget.
How Dentistry Implants are Done
Once the patient has undergone a thorough dental exam and health screening and is determined to be a suitable candidate for implantation, the first step is to create the opening for the artificial root. This "root" consists of a titanium screw, which serves to anchor the prosthetic tooth in place. The choice of titanium is not random; experiments in the 1950s showed that titanium's molecular structure allows bone tissue to adhere and fuse with it, making it very useful for a range of surgical applications.
The hole in the jaw must be drilled in stages in order to avoid damaging the bone; initially, the dentist drills a small hole that is widened with successively larger drills. Once the opening is of the proper depth and diameter, the anchor screw is inserted.
After this, some time must be allowed for the bone to grow back around the screw and cement it in place. During this time, the dentist will have you wear a temporary cap while your prosthesis is manufactured. This artificial tooth is usually made from ceramic, and will match the appearance of your other teeth. The prosthesis is placed at a later date, and with proper care, should last the remainder of your life.
History of Implants
The Mayan Indians of Central America actually developed the first dental implants over 1,400 years ago using pieces of seashell. Modern implantation has been around for about 50 years, and was developed from research into the use of titanium in orthopedic surgery. The first modern dental implant was developed in Italy in 1959, and a U.S. patent for a similar device was filed ten years later.
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Implants: Dental Solutions to Missing Teeth for Rocky Point, NY Patients Copenhagen