Finding working club penguin cheats can be difficult and it took some time before i discovered this cheat online. I had to ask several friends and family and chat with people online becasuse it was a highly secret cheat that no one was supposed to know about.
After cracking the code and asking enough people i eventually found a good website that explanied everything to me, it was found when one of my friends told me about what cool information it had and that i had to check it out.
When i read the information at the website i could see that this club penguin money cheat would probably work as expected and that i indeed could get over 50.000 coins by just using this one piece of software. This really could make club penguin more fun and i did not have to work all the time by doing the minigames for coins. I just had to download this cheating tool and click a button and i would have my money on the account as fast as possible.
After downloading and installing it i gave it a try to see if it worked like it was supposed to do. I loaded club penguin up inside it and tried some club penguin cheats for money to see if it would work. After waiting for a few minutes it said that it had "created 50.000" coins. And i clicked on my penguin to see if he had gotten it, and it had! I had made alot of coins fast and easily and was very happy with it. If you would like to know more about this cp cheat, check out some links below.