Change Your Handwriting And Change Your Life

Share: It is increasingly being used as a tool by corporations when recruiting employees
as another among many means of assessing whether the candidate is suitable or not.
However, many people do not realise that it is possible to help people to change their handwriting and help them to improve on possible weak or negative points for both their own purposes and in business. This therapy is called handwriting engineering or graphotherapy.
The first step in developing the programme for change is to analyse a sample of the current handwriting style, ideally on unlined paper, and it is surprising how much this can reveal about.
When looking at a sample an expert graphologist will first of check whether there were any external influences that could have affected the writing, for example was it written on a stable, solid surface or on the move in a vehicle? If not the writing might be more shaky and uneven than it would otherwise have been and could even mean that the sample is not valid.
Perhaps many people are aware that handwriting written from left to right that slopes upwards and towards the right indicates optimistic and outgoing types while backwards sloping writing suggests an introvert personality.
Handwriting analysis is much more detailed than this, however, and looks not only at the nature of those characters that extend above or below the middle zone, but the spaces between letters, words and lines, which is why it is preferable to have a sample written on unlined paper. Perhaps, one can bring vast change in his personality by improving handwriting by the therapy named as Graphotherapy.
The middle zone in the script represents the ego and provides a lot of information about how the writer feels and acts in public settings both socially and at work. Size and shape of individual letters, how the dot on the i, the cross on the t and the shape of the tails of letters like g and y will all tell the experienced graphologist many things.
Even the margins are a give-away. The left side margin shows the roots and beginnings/family while the right shows other people and the future. The top represents goals and ambitions and the foot of the page shows energy, instincts and practicality.
So a wide left margin suggests that the writers interest is in moving on. If it is narrow, it indicates caution and wanting to avoid being pushed before they are ready.
The Graphotherapist will use all the information gathered from the sample to help the writer change those aspects of their character and approach that may be holding them back but it will take application and effort from the writer in practising their new style before it becomes natural, and perhaps this in itself contains a lesson about how to make a change that will take root and have a significant effect on the persons life.
by: Samuel Harris
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