Causes, Treatment And Prevention Of Asbestosis Mesothelioma
Asbestosis mesothelioma is a work related lung disease like the mesothelioma cancer
. It affects the parenchyma tissue of the lungs. Over exposure to asbestos is the reason behind the disease. Here the parenchymal tissues permanently remain sore and irritable as a result of which dyspnea or shortness of breath occurs. There is increased possibility of contracting lung cancer also. In this case plaque would form above the diaphragm due to over exposure to asbestos. This will be revealed in X-ray tests.
Breathing difficulty is the primary symptom of asbestosis mesothelioma and the persons who are seriously infected may become victims of total respiratory failure. It normally takes more than ten years for the disease to show up after the asbestos exposure. At the same time recognized cases are there where the disease became noticeable with in three months. Mainly there are two types of asbestos particles, namely amphibole and serpentine. Amphibole is thin and straight whereas serpentine is curved. The amphibole ones are responsible for asbestosis as they can go deep into the lungs through inhalation and injure lung tissues around terminal bronchioles and alveolar ducts.
The air sacs of alveoli are the place where oxygen is routed into the blood. Once the fibers reach there, they prompt the lung's innate immune system into getting swollen in order to discard the foreign body. Macrophages are released by the body to get the trespasser digested. But the problem lies in the fact that asbestos being indigestible, the macrophages die resulting in the release of cytokines. The consequence will be further release of macrophages. This extra accrual results in thickening of alveolar walls thereby decreasing elasticity and transmission of gas. Thus oxygen transfer into the blood is obstructed.
The patients who are seriously affected may experience inspiratory crackles and clubbing of fingers. It may not be a fatal disease, but can in turn result in severe medical problems like heart failure. In about half of the asbestosis patients, plaque is developed in the chest and lung cavities.
Successful treatment is not available for asbestosis mesothelioma presently. But breathing problems can be alleviated by regular oxygen therapy administered at home. Respiratory physiotherapy, chest percussion, vibration and nebulization are other supportive treatments available for diluting secretions that are responsible for shortness of breath. Asbestosis mesothelioma patients can also claim compensation from their errant employers.