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Thrush Treatment - What Advice Should You Be Listening To?

Thrush Treatment - What Advice Should You Be Listening To


Before I get into the main subject matter of this article it's worth knowing something...

How long the yeast remedy takes is dependant on a couple of aspects. You are directly in control of one, and indirectly in control of the second. Allow me to introduce the points to you:

- How persistent you are in using the drugs you have bought - you have direct control of this element.

- Resistence to the disease through a properly functional immune system.

The important point to make is that these points are interrelated - persistence = resistence. Focus only on 'persistence' and 'resistence' will follow organically.

By the end of this piece on curing yeast infection you will be in a confident position to determine what route to take.

Tablets and Pills:

Virtually all medication of this kind can be bought OTC. Yet,

1. As with many types of medication in this form, side effects are the rule instead than the exception.

2. Once cured you generally end the medication. Unfortunately, this leaves you vulnerable once again to another attack.

3. If the illness comes back, it can become immune if you use the same remedies time and again.

Recommended: (short term only)

- Nystatin: The most well-approved tablets for yeast infection.

- Diflucan: If you have an urgent case, consult your doctor about the use of Diflucan. Be mindful, though, that there is a slight chance you will damage your lungs permanently. - further, it cannot be employed when you are going to be having a baby, or breast-feeding.

BEWARE: Antibiotics actually cause yeast levels to rise substantially. Your immune system becomes more susceptible to candidiasis as a result of taking antibiotics. - Evade antibiotics


Akin to the previous treatment, suppositories are effective in relieving pain. You should also know that this isn't a long term answer to the problem of yeast infection.

Mind you, they do have less side effects.

Recommended: (short term only)

- Yeast Arrest


This form of treatment is quick to take action and with the choice of garlic capsules, they can be practically side effect free. Nonetheless, they are an expensive alternative to natural remedies.

Best of Category: (short term only)

- 2 enteric-bound garlic capsules every day.

- Diflucan: Diflucan can also be bought in capsule form. Once more, only use after consent from your doctor.

Creams and Ointments:

Another popular choice for treatments is creams and ointments. These are very conveniant as you can pick them up on any high street. Candidiasis can only be remedied permanently by treating the inside of your body. Creams and ointments are used on the skin, which means their benefits are only present, not future.

Best of Category: (short term only)

- Nystatin is yet again available as a cream. This is the recommended name to buy in medication for candidiasis.

- Monistat is one other popular cream. If Nystatin doesn't work for you, for whatever cause, buy Monistat.

Natural Approach: (Recommended)

With the right understanding there is no treatment that is on par with the organic approach.

'Natural' is also the way to go for ensuring no nasty side effects that modern pharmaceuticals seem to bring along with them.

What's more, by developing new habits in your diet, you'll notice that countless other ares of your life easily become improved - vitality, stamina, motivation... Develop healthy eating habits and you won't have to worry about taking pills of a morning and being careful not to overdose.

Best Solution: (The long term approach)

Oil from the Tea Tree -- Use the oil with a clump of cotton.

Aged Garlic Extract/ Fresh Garlic Cloves -- Garlic is anti-fungal and improves immunity. It's useable in many varieties (as seen earlier) and is the truest natural enemy of yeast. Its effects are very quick and virtually side-effect free.

Apple Vinegar (Cedar) -- This treatment recovers the pH levels in your body - leading to better control of yeast levels.

Wear Hanging, Cotton-Only Underwear and Loose Pants/Trousers -- Loose and breathable clothes help to control candida overgrowth. Finally, do your upmost to remain absolutely dry. Yeast loves moist places and will develop if given the opportunity!

Pau d'Arco Tea -- Pau d'Arco tea has qualities that fight instantly with the symptoms of yeast infection.

Probiotic yogurt (including acidophilus) -- Actual probiotic yogurt includes the strain of good bacteria called acidophilus. The candidiasis will be restrained by good bacteria.
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Thrush Treatment - What Advice Should You Be Listening To?