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Car Insurance Compare

Car Insurance Compare

Car Insurance Compare

Car Insurance Compare

How does your car insurance compare? When it comes to the cost of car insurance, it may be possible to reduce your car insurance premium and find a policy that costs you less. Compare car insurance online to see how much you could save, regardless of your age, what type of car you drive and how often you drive it.

Did you know that it is estimated that a typical car drives an average of 15,000 kilometers in one year. So if you drive less than this how does the cost of your car insurance compare to someone who may drive much more?

RateCity found that the answer to this question depends on your car insurance provider and whether or not they ask you to enter the average amount of kilometers you drive when filling out a quote.

For instance, using the profile of a 32 year-old male with a 2005 Toyota Corolla and no-claim bonus level one, RateCity compared quotes for driving less than 10,000 kilometres to driving over 35,000 kilometres per year between the five car insurance companies on our website. Four out of the five insurance car providers estimated the same price with only one, ibuyeco, quoting nearly $65 more to insure a car that drives more (over 35,000 kilometres) per year.

RateCity also found that Allianz estimated that if the same driver profile drove over 1,000 kilometers a week they will need to pay nearly $44 more than someone who drivers less (between zero and 50 kilometres a week).

If you drive you car more than the estimated average 15,000 kilometres every year, below are some ways that you can reduce the amount of distance you clock up and cut the cost of your car insurance:

- Look at other options for reaching your destination. For instance, consider car pooling with someone who lives and works near you or catch public transport such as the train, tram or the bus. Another alternative (which will keep you in shape and help the environment at the same time) is to ride a bike.

- If you drive to work each day, split up your trip by driving to a local train, bus station, ferry station or somewhere to park the car and then either walk, train or bus it in for the remainder of the trip.

- You may be able to pay less on your car insurance premium by doing a car insurance compare search online to find one that costs you less no matter how far or often you drive your car. The table below also lists some company's offers comprehensive car insurance.
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