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Car Insurance Comparison

Car Insurance Comparison

Car Insurance Comparison

Car Insurance Comparison

Car insurance comparison websites like RateCity allow you to compare quotes for comprehensive car insurance so you can find some of the cheapest premiums available.

This is particularly beneficial for people that are struggling to make ends meet and who may be unable to afford to pay bills for things like car insurance, even if it is a one-off time or missing several months of payments. It can be costly when looking for comprehensive car insurance and the price differences between providers is sometimes half of what you could be paying.

According to a survey by Wesley Mission which was released in October 2010, more than 850,000 households have been affected by financial stress. In addition more than half of the population is feeling anxious about their future and one in six households are feeling very worried' about the future of their finances (which is double the figures in 2006).

Of these households facing financial stress, over the past 12 months to October 2010, 7 percent said that they had difficulty with paying car insurance on time.

With regards to what these households spend on their car insurance, the survey showed that those households who where financially stressed' spent on average $871 on their car insurance. And the households that were not worried spent $965 for their car insurance each year.

But if you compare the cost of car insurance to the risk of driving without comprehensive car insurance, is it really worth it? If you hit someone you could be out of pockets thousands upon thousands of dollars depending on the level of damage and the type of car you hit. Third party property should cover the cost of damage caused to other cars involved but not your car. However if you had comprehensive car insurance you would be covered and you should only be out of pocket for the excess.

So if you are struggling to make ends meet, you can reduce the levels of stress on your car insurance premium at least, just by comparing car insurance quotes at car insurance comparison sites like RateCity. Look for one that will save you more and that offers the right type of cover to suit you.
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