Cancer:: Peritoneal Cancer:: What's It All About?
Cancer:: Peritoneal Cancer:: What's It All About
Peritoneal Cancer - Rarely Seen But Unforgettable
You may have heard of mesothelioma a form of lung cancer but have you heard of peritoneal cancer? So what is this connection and what's it all about? Peritoneal cancer is a rare but serious condition that affects the peritoneum. This is the lining of the abdomen wall that is thick with mesothelial cells, blood vessels and lymphatic network. This lining and the combinations of these materials covers the pelvic walls and organs. To research cancer of this kind can be difficult as it is very rare.
The peritoneum acts as a well-lubricated covering for all the organs. This surface makes it easy for daily and natural movement that the body has to contend with in the course of its activities. If it weren't for the peritoneum, the organs would stick to each other. As it also acts like a sack for the abdomen, it holds the body's contents, thereby protecting the internal operations.
As you can see, peritoneal cancer, therefore, can have a devastating effect on patients and when it has been diagnosed can already be too late for much to be done. Many are diagnosed as terminal and offered palliative care. However, there is much research on rare forms of cancer and with the advent of Nanoparticle therapy - a form of genetic therapy - there is much happening in this field of research.
If you would like to read more about peritoneal cancer, learn about its symptoms, diagnosis and watch some video stories from its survivors, please click and read more:
Cancer:: Peritoneal Cancer:: What's It All About?
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