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Presbyopia - Causes and Treatments

Presbyopia - Causes and Treatments

Presbyopia - Causes and Treatments

Presbyopia is an eye condition that many people experience, even if they don't know the name of it. When an individual suffers from this eye condition, they may experience blurry vision, headaches and even fatigue depending on the severity of the condition. Most of the time, what is noticeable in prebyopia is the need to hold reading material at arm's length in order to see it clearly. Here, we will take a look at the cause and treatments for this far-reaching condition.There are numerous theories about the cause of presbyopia; but the main cause seems to be the aging process. As the body ages, the lens of the eye becomes more rigid. As flexibility decreases, so does the ability to focus. It is believed that the fibers in and around the lens of the eye become stiff and lose their ability to change shape. While this is the main cause of the condition, presbyopia can also be caused by certain lifestyle factors, by trauma or due to occupational conditions.The conclusion drawn from the main cause of this condition is that the need for treatments will continue to increase as the Baby Boomer generation ages. Most people will first experience presbyopia sometime in their forties; and the condition can worsen to about the age 60. There is no cure for this condition that affects millions of people; However, there are effective treatments on the market today; from reading glasses to contact lenses. There are also many treatments that are currently in research and trials.The standard treatments for presbyopia will include treatment for both close up vision and distance vision. The first plan of treatment usually comes in the form of eyeglasses or contact lenses. For lesser degrees of the condition, standard reading glasses can greatly improve vision for tasks involving close up vision. Contact lenses would be necessary for instances in which vision is impacted to a larger degree; and surgery would also be an option. There is currently testing and trials under way for a few surgical treatments for presbyopia.In eyeglasses, there are four types that will effectively correct vision for this condition. Reading glasses improve conditions for reading or close up work and can be purchased without a prescription. Bifocals are another option; which contain two points of focus to improve both near vision and distant vision. In bifocal lenses, the top portion of the lens is used to correct accompanying conditions such as astigmatism or myopia. The bottom portion of the bifocal lens is used to correct close up vision.For higher degrees of vision correction, there are trifocal glasses; which feature three focusing points. One point is for near vision, one is for immediate vision and the last is for distant vision. The last form of eyeglasses to treat presbyopia are progressive addition lenses (aka PALs). These lenses use different focus points that are gradually increased so no clear line is visible between focal areas.Contact lenses are also viable treatment for many cases. Typically, bifocal or monovision contact lenses can be used with great results. Monovision corrects one eye for near vision and the other eye for distant vision; allowing the brain to adapt to using one eye for certain tasks and the other for other tasks.The best way to determine the cause and best form of treatment for this or any other eye condition is to speak to your eye doctor and obtain a thorough eye examination.
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Presbyopia - Causes and Treatments