Buy Pheromone
Share: Androstenone pheromone is the most potent choice on the market
. This is great news but what exactly does it mean for you? A pheromone is a natural ingredient that living things emit to attract the opposite sex. Unfortunately with the advent of bettter hygiene these ingredients are washed away. They can now be replaced with a product called androstenone pheromone.
The best pheromone can enhance good relationships by stimulating arousal and more intimacy, and they can even take sex to a whole new level of degree and frequency. But pheromones cannot transform bad relationships, period. Pheromones cannot change personal preferences and tastes, but they can promote attraction. However, if the personal preferences are not all that strong, pheromones can provide an edge and overcome those preferences.
Male pheromones will help you be the kind of person you want to be. Your self confidence will soar. You'll notice that women start to pay more attention to you and will flirt with you. What is even more amazing is that you may not need to do all the work anymore. Women may initiate dates, give you their phone numbers, and in general want to talk to you and be around you.
When in close proximity to people of the opposite sex our pheromones are sensed by their pheromones and it the instensity of these pheromones that decided if we find some one attractive or they find us attrative.
Where this might have worked quite well in the era where personal cleanliness was the norm, today we are
washing much of this natural chemical away just by bathing daily.
When humans sweat they release into the area around them the pheomone that is in their chemical makeup.
this chemical can not be detected by our normal ofafactory nerves but rather is detected by a receptor in our nose called the vomeronasal organ or (VNO).
The veromonasal sense in humans is present, but largely dormant. The manufacturers of Icebreaker Pheromone Cologne have found a way to enhance the androstenone pheromone activity of the user and the response of the women who inhale it. Just a few drops of the cologne on the neck and/or wrists and the product is designed to attract any female in the room. Studies say the wearer gives off a 'sexual vibe' and the women around immediately feel the sexual tension. If this is what you like in your cologne, then try Icebreakers Pheromone Cologne.
by: Danovan Holanda
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