Proven Insurance Shopping Tips To Help You Get The Right Policy
Share: Shopping around for insurance is really a pain in the you know what
. Most people love shopping. Even going to the grocery store is fun, because you can look forward to cooking and eating a tasty meal. Other things like shoes and canoes are fun to shop for because you an look forward to using them. But buying insurance is a real drag. Most people hate it, and want to get it over with as quickly as possible. It's certainly not the sexiest product out there. Of course, without insurance, you might end up in serious financial trouble, so despite how much you'd rather have a root canal, you'd better get some insurance if you don't have any. In this article, you are going to learn how to shop around, so you'll be much more likely to get the best rates.
First of all, ignore all those cute ads on TV. Insurance is just like any other product. Some companies are good, while other ones aren't so good. It's up to you and do your due diligence to find out what you need, and who's got the best product for the best price. Like we said earlier, it would be more fun to watch grass grow, but it's something you've got to do.
Some companies use your credit score when they give you a quote. That's not factored into the actual policy, that's because they are figuring how many late fees you'll likely run up when paying your bills. Avoid companies that do this. The only thing that should go into your quote are your demographics, and your driving history.
You should have a solid idea of what kind of insurance you need. Once you understand this, then you can get some quotes from different companies. Get at least four or five quotes. Just beware for the massive avalanche of emails that you'll be getting in the next couple of weeks. If you don't mind taking the time, it might be a good idea to set up an email account just for this purpose.
Share: If you like any of the quotes, find out how the company came up with it. Find out how far back they looked into your driving record, and how much they are putting in for the coverage. One of the oldest tricks in the book is to "low ball" you through email or over the phone, and then try and increase the price once you are in the office. When you find out how your quote was determined, you can avoid this practice.
When you take the initiative, it's pretty easy to get some good rates while getting car insurance. Just find out what you want, and shop around until you get it.
by: Winston Takeda
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