Budget Travel To India - It Is All About Making The Right Choice!
Share: Anna looked around and sighed
Anna looked around and sighed. One more day to go and the most memorable days of her life would come to an end. In fact a couple of months back she would have actually laughed at the idea of spending as little as she had and still be able to have such a laid-back and enjoyable holiday. But having experienced it herself, now every word of Erco Travel agent email that spoke at length about Budget tours to India actually made lot of sense to her.
What she essentially understood from budget tours was that one could not just prioritize, but also make the most of a trip in the least amount of money. However, what she had not fathomed then was that with the help of an experienced travel agent it was not just possible to have such a hassle-free trip, but also get the best value for money and yet be able to grasp so much about a country as big and diverse as India in the time that she had at her disposal.
Taking the help of Erco Travel agent had also saved so much of her time and effort, which she would have otherwise spent researching ways to reduce cost. Even then she could have never been able to find the little nitty-grittys that are so very important for making a trip cheap, relaxing and even safe. After all, being an all girl group it was important for them to ensure that:
The places they stayed were not just reasonably affordable and clean, but also safe.
Share: They made the right choice of mode of travel while commuting between cities. For example travelling by road between Delhi and Agra and then Jaipur was much better and cheaper than taking a flight.
The right places to eat and how to make maximum use of time.
She was glad that they chose to visit India, which is a world in itself with so much to see. If one can just sideline and bear the pollution, poverty and varying standards of sanitation, then even animal filled streets and the maddening chaos on the roads of most of the cities gradually starts growing on you. It is only while walking around and mingling with the locals on a shoe-string budget that one realises the warmth, hospitality and the real ethos of what is renowned as Indian culture.
This tour in fact also made her aware of identifying the right travel agent for such tours as it is this right choice that helps one to havetailor-made trips in the apt budget. In this regards what made Erco Travels stand out from the rest was the actual hands-on experience that the agents had; being widely travelled, they just knew what Anna and her friends would expect and be comfortable with. It was this in-depth knowledge of both-India the country, and Anna and her group requirements that made this trip such a success and memorable too.Kudos to the people who made it possible for all of them!
by: India Travel Agents
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