Breast Implants And Breastfeeding: Is It Possible?
If you want breast implants but are considering breastfeeding in the future
, plan ahead. While it is certainly possible to do so, some types of incisions make it very difficult, and the more important it is you, the more important research becomes. Knowing the possibilities before the surgery, such as what you can do to make it probable that you can breastfeed, is important.
Many women assume that having breast implants means you can never breastfeed, but it just depends on many factors. The type of incision you go for makes a big difference. For example, with a periareolor type, the milk ducts that are crucial to breastfeeding are often disturbed. However, if the incision is under your armpit, below the breast folds, or in your belly button, you will likely be able to breastfeed without any issues.
As long as the nerves near the areola are not cut, you shouldn't have any problems. This is because those nerves tell the brain to release both oxytocin and prolactin, two hormones that greatly affect the production of milk. Since all incisions but the periareolar type leave your milk ducts intact and undisturbed, there should be no change.
If you have already had breast implants and did not receive that type of incision but still have trouble nursing, you should contact a doctor. As long as your ducts are still intact because your surgery did not include an incision through the areola, there should be no reason that you can't breastfeed.
Some women can't nurse no matter what, whether they have had augmentation or not, so your inability to nurse could be unrelated to your breast implants. In fact, some women who have had the periareolar surgery have no issues breastfeeding; it's just rare and completely depends on how much the procedure disturbed your ducts.
If you decide to go for the type of augmentation that does not deal with your areola, be aware that while everything should be fine, there is no guarantee that you will be able to nurse. Anything could go wrong during the procedure; no matter how careful you were when selecting an incision type.
While you will most likely have no issues when it comes to breastfeeding after the surgery, there is always a small risk that you will. If it is important to you, be sure to talk to friends, family, and different doctors about their experiences before you commit to the procedure.
by: Abigail Aaronson
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