Between life and death, you pass your life looking for a meaning!

Share: Between life and death, you pass your life looking for a meaning!
Between life and death, you pass your life looking for a meaning!
Everyone looks for a meaning for his life, for his death, for living in between. No one escapes being what he, or she, is. A trunk, a head, two arms and two legs. But the world is full of donkeys on two legs and chimpanzees Bipeds, like Obama, coming from the Zulu zone in Africa, or a Lilliputian coming from eastern Europe and shows his filthy color in the Palaces of kings of France, or even a scoundrel Berlusconi thinking that he made the world.
These little insignificant scums, made up of distorted atoms, do not realize for a second they have a a fart's worth of living their lives. They are out to dominate and rule. First class dictators and tyrants. They do not hesitate to do anything to dictate their opinions, haughty, boastful and full of shit.

Share: But is not everyone, given the chance to be in a position of power or glory, in the same shoes? Every individual is seduced by the Devil and the Devil always and without exception wins the soul. Unles you are Jesus Christ, you are bound to the Devil. The Devil snatches you from the path of God to bring down your ruin and send you straight to Hell, without passing by the customs.
It is not at all surprising, it suffices that someone asks you the direction of an address and you immediately feel superior, for knowing the way and being able to show it to the person who asks. We are all equipped naturally with this sense of haughtiness and superiority and it needs only to be instigated and it starts off. You become a victim of your own arrogance and self-conceit. So you would imagine how a president of the United states must feel. Coming from behind the donkeys in the African jungle, or a Texan ranch, or a Georgian peanut field, human nature shows its Dracula teeth to devour the world and what's in it.
Metaphysical dimension for human nature! Yes, definitely, but the shitty side where the human becomes inhuman. Look at what Hitler has done to the inhabitants of Europe in six short years! A maon of the fourth class quality and a failure made his way by his squeaking rat voice that seduced the respectable and civilized Germans who became under his impact monstrous Germans. They became hypnotized by this little chimpanzee, just like the rest of peoples all over the world.
It suffices that a distorted human being, or inhuman for that matter, to seek power, satisfying his inferiority and superiority complexes and there you are everyone becomes a victim. People offer their children at the altar of the leader and destruction reigns over their houses and other houses. They sacrifice themselves for the wishes of the dictator.
Inhuman, with a terrible metaphysical dimension! It is just that! Human nature is an enigma, just as your presence and mine and all the cockroaches that reside inour world!
What's it all about? We pass a life of subjugation and live in big prisons, listening to pure idiots telling us what we ought to do!
Well, if you look into this universe and realize that there is a creating adddmirable power that made you then you would probably release yourself from such prisons and free yourself from worldly cuffs and reach out for the only power that can lead you unto the reality of your life andits purpose. Without this, you remain a mouse in the hands of the Fuhrer!
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