Why Are We Erratic When It Comes To A Fitness Lifestyle?

Share: We all know what it is to get excited over a new fitness program only to soon start finding reasons to quit it
. Why does this occur? Surely we must know that staying at it is the key to its success. Yet all too often we find one reason after another for giving up before there is ever a chance of it working.
We know that brushing our teeth is essential to keeping a nice smile and even to keeping our friends. How many of us would ever believe that stopping this because it was inconvenient would ever be a realistic option? Most of us would continue doing it even if our gums began to bleed. All that we would do is change brushes and toothpastes or get professional help. Moreover, stopping altogether would never be an option.
How can it be any different when it comes to fitness programs? That is a question which all of us might contemplate Surely we know that we need them to lose weight, to keep it off and to eventually replace all of sags and bulges with well-sculpted muscle. Everyone knows that this takes the continual work of a fitness routine, just like the daily brushing of our teeth is needed to maintain that beaming smile and healthy mouth.
Perhaps the answer lies in the number of years that we have been at it. When it comes to diet and exercise, we have just not been at it long enough. We only start at it today in our thirties or forties instead of continuing on, having begun long before graded school. That is how it is with tooth and oral care. We have always been doing it. Thus whatever is new today is but a modification of what has always been done in the distant past. That is why switching tooth brushes is so much easier than going from occasional walking to everyday jogging.
As a result, we all must exert extra effort to stay at a new fitness routine once we start it. Thinking of ourselves as children in need of continual parental guidance might be very close to necessary. That is what we had when learning to brush our teeth when we were little. Few of us ever did this as consistently or enjoyed it as much back then as then as we do today.
We must realize that the temptation will always be there to give up a fitness lifestyle for something that may seem to be a very long interval. Yet in reality this might only be a very short period of time. Thus we have to prepare ourselves mentally, knowing that we will have to simply refuse missing or cutting back in spite of how we may feel about it. That may be very little different than what we experienced long ago with a mother getting us to brush at least once a day.
To have exercise and diet be experienced within us in the same way as with our first toothbrush, we simply must bite the bullet and wait patiently for that to occur. That may take a decade of steadfastly refusing to give up.
For further thought about how to keep from being pulled away from daily exercise and diet order my book "Think and Grow Fit."
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by: mark19
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