Back Massage: Alleviate Muscle Spasms Sooner

Share: Anyone who feels they have a hectic life, has a car
, kids, pets or maybe is still in school or in today's world looking for work uses their back every minute of every day. When we go and purchase those heavy groceries, push the cart. I put my kids in the car, switch around their seats, move their backpacks and there it is again, my backache.
Not only does my upper back hurt, but my shoulder blades, lower back, shoulders. I frequently treat myself to a back massage at my local spa. There are so many benefits. You can go to your local spa and find out more. There will be a whole range of massages offered, and I encourage you to try all of them, but start with the back. Besides the feet, it is probably the most neglected part of your body, but needs special care, as it is used in everything from walking to sitting, to caring for children to even eating. A masseuse will help navigate you through the world of massage. There is a variety of options for you to choose from head to hand, from finger to toes!
You may wear nothing but towels, but if unsure, you should keep your underwear on. My first massage was so great. My back felt so good, and it wasn't just a short relief. It is still great, even after a few weeks. You and your spouse may both be feeling the same level of backache. This may lead to you feeling unsympathetic to him, and him discounting your gripes. Try talking with a girlfriend. She will understand. Who knows, she's probably had many a massage.
My good friend describes a massage as getting away from it all, a vacation. Massage is an ancient technique, so it is tried and trusted. Modern medicine discounted it somewhat, but it enjoyed a revival in the 1960's, and in the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta it was deemed a core medical service. Even though there are so many forms of massage and it can be performed on any body part, to me, the back massage is the greatest necessity. As a parent, I am constantly carrying heavy items while taxi-ing 3 girls hither and yon. As a parent, I instill in my girls the necessity of stretching and exercising. You would think I would lead by example. No, if I have great energy, I will clean out closets, take them to many classes, sit and watch. You ask, why not exercise when they are in class.

Share: Seems obvious - unless you have an obstinate child. However, ours is not a perfect world. My 6 yr old will not run and keep up with me. Heavens, she will barely keep up with my walk pace. She refuses to sit in a stroller or to ride her bike. She also will throw a fit when I mention that maybe, just maybe, she will sit through two hours while her sisters have their ballet class. What's a mom to do. Say nothing, but get a back massage!
Back Massage: Alleviate Muscle Spasms Sooner
By: Fred Savinelli
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