Get the Best Massage and Alleviate Muscle Spasms Faster

Share: Have you ever had a massage? Isn't it great? A wide variety of seasonings
, oils, mixes, rocks, tables, mats, clothed or not etc, many different body parts! A massage is applied by using the masseuse's hands, fingers, elbows, knees, forearms or feet. Yes, feet! You can be walked on by someone, and if done properly it can feel good. To the modern American with no knowledge of massage, this can sound really questionable!
Records dating back to China, 5000 years ago show that this is not anything new. In fact, the ancient civilizations such as the Hindus, Persians and Egyptians applied forms of massage for many ailments; and the great Hippocrates wrote papers that recommended the use of rubbing and friction for joint and circulatory problems.
The art of massage is the manipulation of superficial layers of muscle and connective tissue. This is to enhance function and promote relaxation and well-being. It became popular in the US in the 1800's and grew in popularity until the 1930's and 40's. When modern medicine came to the forefront, the art of massage therapy became discounted as "lesser than". Suddenly, it became popular again in the 1960's when nurses began to use it to relieve pain in patients. Surprisingly, in the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta it was deemed a core medical service. This gave more credence to it.
Massages are performed in many different ways and with a variety of ancient remedies. Again, we all have different requirements in life, so find the best massage for yourself. A masseuse will have you either on a table, chair, or a mat, and generally the recipient is unclothed, but may be modestly covered with towels or sheets or underwear may be kept on. Some massage therapists use oil, or even, body rocks! Different oils can be used to stimulate blood flow and relaxation along with a variety of other benefits. A body rock can be either cold or warm and coated in different sorts of oils such as fractionated coconut oil, grape seed oil, olive oil, macadamia oil, sesame oil, pecan oil and mustard and aromatherapy oils. What a variety of seemingly unusual remedies!

Share: A scientific study performed on heart surgery patients showed there was a significant decrease in levels of stress after a foot massage. Reducing stress levels can help the body in many ways, mentally and physically as well. Foot massage benefits are best received when a professional massage therapist performs the massage. If you are a heart patient, ask your doctor, this may be the type for you.
For me, as a mother of 3 girls aged 9 and under, I wish I had known about pregnancy massages when I was pregnant. This would have been the best massage and best gift I could have received. I had such weight gain putting stress on my bones and muscles, my sciatic nerve caused me immense pain with my first child. My second pregnancy put stress on my legs and back and my third left me exhausted, needing a massage - unfortunately, I didn't consider pregnancy massages. I now know that massages can help eliminate waste products from the mother through the lymphatic and circulatory system, thus giving the mother more energy. Find your favorite, best massage. It will enrich your life immensely!
Get the Best Massage and Alleviate Muscle Spasms Faster
By: Emily Huang
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