Auto Insurance Tips - How To Get Lower Car Insurance Quotes

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Are you are looking for lower car insurance quotes for a vehicle you already own? Or, perhaps you would like to find the lowest auto insurance quotes for a new car. In either case, there are a number of things you can do that will substantially lower your monthly car insurance payments. Read this article and you will find some easy things you can do that could save you hundreds of dollars or more per year on your automobile insurance.How Much Does Your Vehicle Cost?If you are insuring a cheaper vehicle you may be paying too much for your insurance. If your monthly insurance premium is more than one tenth the value of your car then you probably don't have the most suitable insurance policy.Also, it may not be very cost effective to purchase full coverage on older cars.The first thing you should do, then, if you have a cheaper or older car, is to find out how much it is worth. You can easily do a search for its value on the Internet.Then, if you change your insurance coverage to liability only, you will find that you have quickly saved quite a bit of money on your insurance coverage.Check Your Credit RatingYour car insurance quotes are affected by your credit rating. The higher your credit score is the better chance you have of getting lower rates.There are quite a few things that you can do to raise your credit score. Here are some of them: Keep the credit balances on your credit cards as low as possible Do not miss any bill payment Avoid making late payments Do not open any credit lines that you don't need Check your credit rating periodicallyIt is not unusual for credit reports to have inaccurate information that can negatively affect your credit rating. That's why you need to periodically check your credit report. If you find any errors you should correct them as soon as you can. The longer they stay in your report the longer they will lower your credit score.Checking your report once a year is usually enough. That's because every time you run a credit report it is counted as an inquiry and that, too, will lower your credit score.Get a Lot of Online Car Insurance Quotes Before You Buy a CarIt is a very good idea to check how much insurance premiums will be before you even buy your new car. Every car has different safety ratings, repair costs, theft statistics, value, etc, and each of these will have a direct bearing on your insurance premiums.In addition, because insurance rates vary from one company to the next, you can save a lot of money by comparing the rates that are offered by a minimum of four or five different insurance providers.
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