The Facts About Florida Auto Insurance

Share: Although there is federal regulation for auto insurance
, every state enacts its own particulars to the law. If you have recently moved to Florida or are obtaining auto insurance for the first time, it is important to learn the basic ins and outs of the law so that you can obtain appropriate coverage without paying too much. Sure auto insurance is the reason for an unwelcome bill every month, but it is also an important measure that drivers take to protect themselves and their property financially in the case of damage or accidents. The following five points describe a few key elements of Auto Insurance in Florida.
Each state sets its own minimum standards for necessary liability insurance. Besides being a good idea, this is a requirement before you can register your car. In Florida, the minimum for an individual is bodily injury for one person: $10,000, bodily injury for all injuries: $20,000, property damage: $10,000. Florida does not require Uninsured/Underinsured (UM/UIM) motorist coverage. This is an extra policy that kicks in if the other motorist involved in an accident with you is inadequately covered. While this means lower rates, it can be a trial if it happens to you. Florida is a no fault state, meaning that drivers are not required to carry personal injury or extensive collision insurance.
Beyond basic Auto Insurance in Florida, there are several plans that offer extra layers of protection. Property Damage Liability or PDL covers expenses related to damage that is caused by you or your family. Bodily Injury Liability or BIL covers you or your family if they have caused injury to another person. Besides financial coverage up to a limit, your insurance company will provide you with legal representation. Personal Injury Protection or PIP will cover losses due to personal injury regardless of who is at fault. Even you are in an accident while walking or biking, this insurance will cover you as long as a vehicle was involved.
People who do not have sufficient insurance will be prevented from driving for three years, or until sufficient evidence is provided. To reinstate your license after such an offense, you will be required to pay a fine of $150-$500. Those who live in the state part time and keep a vehicle in storage are required to pay for an active insurance policy regardless. If a car is registered in Florida, it must be insured.

Share: Auto Insurance in Florida is straight-ahead and no nonsense. Though there is little flexibility in the law, a reasonable minimum is all that is required of all Florida motorists. This offers some financial protection in all instances and keeps everyone better protected in case of an accident. Any car registered in Florida will have to have a policy representing the minimum coverage, at all times, whether or not it is actively in use within the state.
by: Todd Meyers
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