Auto Commuting FAQ
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Author: autofaq
Do cars on the East Coast grasp smaller number miles on them than cars contained by the West or Texas?
I mean is since so frequent places in the west are so far away from respectively other,does that mean someone living within New Mexico say would cessation up putting on more miles on their car than someone who lives contained by or around Boston as such?
![Auto Commuting FAQ](./insurancepics/Auto/car-2595248__340.jpg)
Share: Do flashy electric billboards distract you from driving??
Okay, this soo gets on my nerves..I'm from Kentucky and in this one city, they made such a big concordat about this one billboard to the point that it had to be changed...I deduce the state should get with the program and stop living within the...
Do high grades of gasoline sustain amend gas mileage?
current cars are- 2000 Jeep Grand Cheerokee (12 mpg) 2002 Chevy malibu (about 20 mpg)
Do hybrid cars/SUVs really work and squirrel away gas.?
Looking to buy one and save, but curious if you own one and if they are realiable
Do I collect more gas....?
going faster, yet taking smaller amount time to get to the destination, OR going slower, but taking more time to catch to the destination?
Do jumbos enjoy horns?
Well, seems I can dream up of at least one instant where they might entail one ~ a big one too! After all I've get one and although it's only a touch one, there are times when it is desperately needed. And I be just...
Do People Still Hitchhike?
Would you hitchhike - or would you pick up a hitchhiker? (Don't think that spelling looks right - sorry but spell check approved it lol).
Do rentals from budget and enterprise come beside tinted window?
im planning on rentingg a car ,but where on earth i live at its dangerous if you set out your car unattended so im curious
Do semi's hold a switch to release nouns pressure?
Almost everytime I pass a semi on the highway or interstate, lately as i'm reaching the cab I hear a loud burst of nouns coming from the semi i'm passing. Are some of the drivers doing this calculated, by hitting a switch in the hackney carriage.
Do slow drivers annoy the hell out of you? Should they be fined?
I drive a lot due to my work being moderately a distance from where I live and I enjoy experienced some really really slow drivers. I drive on a lot of B roads, single carriageways where on earth the speed limit is 60mph, which is a...
Do smaller trucks procure clothed gas mileage?
Would a smaller sports truck get clothed mileage to the gallon? What would a small 2000 pickup run for in gas mileage?
Do street lights ever jump out when you drive underneath them?
I swear this happens to me once or twice a week - and once in awhile they come on (but not during the shift from hours of daylight to night). Just chance?
Do those buttons at crosswalk that vote "Push for cross signal" or anything really assist?
It seems approaching you can press them forever but the light will not adaptation any faster.
Do U find electronic signs on highway adjectives?
Whenever they tell U around road and weather conditions and what not.
Do U individuals prefer to drive your cars or be feeling like to lift public transportation?
For me, it depends. Buses seem to to in good health ,that's if U R going on one route or destination.But to go to multiple destinations within different parts of the city and back,it seem best best to use a car, or transportation policy is a short...
Do you achieve sick of family doing the speed rein in?
ok if their around a school contained by school hours ok, but on the motorways and prevalent roads their always surrounded by your way THEN you are forced to pinch dangerous accomplishment to keep at a correct pace. Overtaking can be terrifying.
Do You agree the price of gas is a dollar a gallon to lofty in a minute?
Then why is our Democratic? Congress considering adding another 40 cents per gallon to the fuel tax?
Do you believe that turning your a/c or warmness bad help collect gas mileage?
I always own the same gas mileage, whether or not I enjoy my a/c or heat on. What do you cogitate?
Do you carpool?
Do you carpool? Why? What is the best way to set up a carpool? How do you handle it if you carpool, but the entity you go with is a shove?
Do you carry angry doing a tour recurrently?
I sometimes do when I'm at the red light and the guy who comes up at the back me goes on the other lane of late because and then he go in front of me. lol I get moving and tail gate him for a few...
Do you catch sight of that folks who drive SUVs and trucks are worse drivers?
I know this is not the case beside everyone. Of course there are SUV drivers who can parallel park blindfolded and here are sedan drivers who don't even know how to change lane. But for some reason I've notice that a lot of society...
Do you chew over driving far for more salary is better than smaller number drive for smaller number repay? Or vice versa?
Specifically I work at a job 45-1hr away and I procure paid $12.30/hr. I be considering getting a new commission closer to where I'd read aloud the time would be 5-30 minutes away, but might make smaller quantity...$7-10/hr. I get ok benefits at my current available job...
Do you come across to receive sick from riding public transportation?
I do.little colds. today it is headache...muscle ache. I call it the "METRO MALAISE" (King County Metro Transit) surrounded by Seattle
Do you come up with the NY hackney carriage driver are right by striking?
I think they are doing the right article. Why should the city make a decree that they must take credit cards and hold a GPS installed in their cabs.? This is some more of that big business B/S that the Repubs are so proud of.
Do you contemplate the U.S. should invest more surrounded by guiderail transportation?
In Europe, the main form of transportation is by railroad. They enjoy high speed buoyant rail cars that can stir to speeds of 300 miles per hour. The average speed, though, is about partly that. I think that the senate should invest more in...
Do you contemplate this variety sense?
do you think this receive sense? waking up to the unlikeable smell of dirty rubbish, the irritating road workers trying to extend the narrow roads and the rolling cars beeping their coup trying to get out of the traffic to draw from to work was manifestly frustrating....
Do you deduce I drive too much?
My car is in recent times over 2 years old and I hold 62,000 miles. I drive a lot for work, for which I receive a gasoline allowance of $200 a month. Do you deliberate this is really a lot of driving? Or does anyone own a...
Do you deem driving 2.5 hours on Thanksgiving morning would be better than the dark previously (wednesday night)
Those are my only option. It's Ohio highway traffic, mostly 4 lanes, I-75. Which hours of daylight would be more congested? I'm guessing wednesday driving will be worse, because hopefully all the middle-of-the-road people are already at their destinations by thanksgiving morning.
Do you dream up this is fair/unfair or am I a short time ago one a moment or two thoughtless?
My husband suggested that we trade in my vehicle that I have for a year. It has a few work that wants to be done not to mention my windshield is cracked and running down now. His vehicle is a not so current vehicle but he used...
Do you drive or clutch the bus?
Do you do this for financial reasons or ecological ones?
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