The Start of the Supernatural Story "a Light in the Midst of Darkness"
![The Start of the Supernatural Story](./insurancepics/Auto/japan-360442__340.jpg)
Share: Author: Erik Loebl
Author: Erik Loebl
This is a true story about an event in my (Erik Loebl) life and the way that God brought me through a serious situation, as well as how it impacted my family. We were able to walk through a great darkness, and God is the Light that has brought us through. The Lord has had a plan from the beginning and I am just His vessel. It is yet to be seen, what the Lord has planned, but the journey so far has been very interesting. Perhaps, portions of His plan have taken place without me actually knowing about it. It is great to know that even though I was the recipient of all of what happened, the Lord was at work in the lives of many others. It is my intent that this story will encourage someone else, and they will know that God can do the same thing for them that He has done for me since He is partial to no one (Deuteronomy 10:17, Acts 10:34). In the Bible, Isaiah 9:2 says:
![The Start of the Supernatural Story](./insurancepics/Auto/auto-3095119__340.jpg)
Share: The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned. This story is told from personal experience as well as objectively from my family, what I was told from the MRI, and the doctors who were involved with the operation. If asked, each person would have a different opinion of what actually happened in this event. I can testify to these events since I personally went through this. Some of the events I do not remember, or I was coherent like when the operation took place, and the time immediately after the operation, only my wife would know about those (see part 14 for how this affected individual family members). These were items I was told about. All I know is that God watches over His servant while he/she is unconscious and guides the hands of the doctors when the person can not do anything about the situation. I don'tthink many have come through a surgery like mine and have told about it. They may have lived through the situation, but have not written about it. Currently I have been married for 13 years and have 4 children. My children range in age (currently) from a 9 year old girl, 7 year old boy, 4 year old girl, 3 year old boy. They are all very young at the time this is written. Not everyone gets to go through this, nor would I recommend this kind of operation to everyone. There is a saying "God cannot steer a parked car", so now I am car in motion, and God gets to determine my steps. When I asked the Lord, "Why did I have to go through this?" the response seemedto be, "why not you?" I am a very consistent person, and I suppose the Lord was looking for someonewho would be the same after the surgery as before the surgery, as well as go through the whole surgeryordeal.About the Author:
This is an excerpt of the
supernatural book,
"A Light In The Midst Of Darkness". To get more information, audio/visual material, and sign up for the FREE 11 part audio series on this supernatural book, please visit
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