Life is very unpredictable and it is next to impossible to determine what the future has in store for us. If this were possible, then we would all be prepared for the different events life presents us and not be caught off guard by life's twists and turns. It is however impossible to predict the future. Therefore, the next best thing we could do is to guarantee our dependents an easy time in case of a misfortune.
Elderly citizens are looked upon as being closer to the mortality status and this is never properly addressed especially when it comes to Insurance. Taking out an over 50 life Insurance policy in the UK guarantees that the policy holder's dependents will be well taken care of in the event of the holder's demise.
There are Insurance companies, which offer the over 50 life Insurance policy. These policies differ depending on the different Insurance companies offering them. The policies differ in terms of the period in which they cover the holder, the instance in which a pay out can be made and the entitlements and limitations the holder receives from the policy. Elderly men typically get higher rates do to age expectancy. Lifestyle trends such as smoking could also increase the Insurance rates an elderly citizen gets. Other aspects, including the particular age of the individual, health status and the type of Insurance policy taken out, determine the rates that the policy holder gets. Share:
Cost effective life Insurance policies can be obtained through the Term Insurance policies. They can cover the holder for any period from one year up to decades. The Level term, over 50 life Insurance policy covers the holder until death whereby pay out is constant throughout the policy's term. The Increasing term policy extends a five percent rise in the value of the Insured amount to keep up with current rates of inflation. It is highly beneficial to long term life Insurance holders since the amount they insure does not depreciate with rates of inflation. Decreasing term policy is the inverse of the increasing term Insurance policy where the Insured amount depreciates on an yearly basis.
It is usually taken out for the purpose of loan repayment. The convertible term policy allows the holder to change their current policy into an endowment or whole life policy irrespective of their health status. The rates offered on this policy are usually ten percent more than the other policy rates. Renewable term policy as the Convertible, allows the holder to renew their coverage upon the expiration period regardless of the holder's health status.
The whole life over 50 life Insurance policy covers the holder throughout life as opposed to a specified period of time which most term policies abide by.