Add spark to life and transplant Cord Blood

Share: Add spark to life and transplant Cord Blood
Cord Blood transplant: Few years back we were unaware of the fact that the blood, which is commonly known as the Placental blood, can be of immense use. Several life threatening diseases like cancer, sickle cell anemia and other genetic diseases can be cured with the cord blood cell. The blood in the umbilical cord is rich in stem cells. Stem cells act like a building block in our body. When a body is affected with a disease like leukemia, the white blood cells stops regenerating in the body. The stem cells in the cord blood have the ability to reproduce more than 200 types of tissues.

Share: At the time of delivery, the blood from the umbilical cord needs to be collected within 10 minutes from the delivery. Once the blood is collected, several chemicals are added for the preservation. The cord blood can be stored for the donor itself or for general use. In case the blood is donated, it is kept in the Public bank and if the same is collected for personal use then it is kept in the private banks. Once the cord blood is injected to the patient it adds spark to life. No other medicine in the world can do such wonder as the cord blood. The research on cord blood is a very young invention. But the positive effect of the invention is spreading across the world. Bone Marrow transplantation has proved successful several years back. The alternative to it is Cord Blood transplantation. First the blood types and several other factors between the donor and the patient are checked. Once the blood type matches, the cord blood is injected in the patient. This way several diseases are cured and people lead a disease less life. Few recent researches have shown that even in case of unmatched cord blood, the transplantation has been successful. The magic is actually in the stem cells. As the stem cells can regenerate it helps to create white blood cells in the body. Hence it cures several diseases. The cord blood is collected from the umbilical cord, which is not only rich in stem cells, it also have several other nutrients. Stem cells have hematopoietic cells, which help in curing different types of genetic disorders. Researchers have said that the cord blood does hold enough blood to cure an adult. The placenta is a better source of stem cell. Even it holds a larger amount of stem cells which a cure an adult. Cord blood also cures diabetes, cardio vascular diseases and many other diseases. Researchers believe that in the coming days the stem cells will be used for curing Parkinson's disease, Spinal cord injuries, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis.
However, few ethical groups are against the usage of stem blood cells as it involves destruction of embryos. Many drugs are been tested on the stem cells and not on animals or human testers. Stem cells can detect the power of the drugs and assist to detect the effect of the same of humans. Stem cells have proved fatal in the study of abnormal birth.
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