Ahorrarenseguros.com: What You Need To Know About Colon Cancer
Ahorrarenseguros.com: What You Need To Know About Colon Cancer
Colon cancer is a cancer that affects the digestive tract and is currently one of the cancers that are on the rise. You can discover motos when you go online to look up businesses and other places where you can get help for this type of cancer. Those who have this type of cancer usually discover it when it is at a treatable stage. Part of the small intestine is then removed and then re-attached. In some cases, a bag may have to be used to eliminate waste from the body.
The cure rate for this type of cancer depends on what stage it is discovered. If contained in the small intestine, then the cure rate is very good. Some patients have to undergo radiation therapy when they have this cancer or chemotherapy if it has spread to the lymph nodes; however the outcome is still very good for these patients. There are those who have the cancer to the point where it has been localized and does not need radiation or any other treatment other than removal. Not everyone loses some of their small intestine, either. Some people can just have the cancer removed, depending on the size of the tumor and where it is located.
The symptoms for this type of cancer usually are a feeling of fullness accompanied by a change in bowel habits. They can include diarrhea or constipation. In many cases, the person will not be able to move their bowels because they have a blockage. This type of symptom can mean many different things and should not immediately be thought of as cancer. Thin stools that are pencil like are another form of a symptom. In such a case, the only way that the stool can get out of the body is to get thin as there is a blockage in the intestine.
Blood in the stool can be an early indicator of the disease so it is advised that people do a fecal blood test for this disease when they are over the age of 40. After the age of 50, when the disease is more prevalent, then they should get a colonoscopy every five years to check for polyps. This type of cancer is usually very slow growing, usually affects people who are older than 50 and can be caught in the very early stages giving those who are diagnosed an excellent prognosis for recovery.
Because there are screening tests available for this type of cancer, it can be treated and cured at an early stage, giving the person a very good chance for survival. There are many people who survive cancer, although many people still look upon this as a death sentence and are afraid to get any screening done less they find that they have the disease, which in most cases they will not. Those who want to avoid cancer should take advantage of any screening tests that are available and also address any concerns with a doctor as they come up. They can also take supplements that can help them eliminate some of the risk associated with certain cancers as well.
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