Fast Liver Detox - 1 To 7 Days
Fast Liver Detox - 1 To 7 Days
Fast Liver Detox - 1 To 7 Days
AFast Liver Detox - are you interested in trying one? If so, read on.
Although you may think your skin is an intact organ, it still doesn't stop toxins entering your body. They are produced by unhealthy foods, alcohol, hormone replacement drugs, antibiotics and other drugs.
This is when the liver plays a major role in detoxing the body from chemicals and substances passing through your body. It's a full-time job! Sometimes, it cannot keep up with the work demanded from it, and this is when toxins accumulate in the body, causing problems and maybe diseases.
We must take care of our liver and give it a rest so that it can recover and regenerate itself.
So, why aliver detoxdiet?
Well, it will be beneficial for you and your liver.
And it's easy to implement on short notice, especially if you have just been through a sickness like a cold, or you feel a health problem coming on.
You can follow a short liver detox diet for any length of time from 1 to 7 days - whichever you feel comfortable with and suits your lifestyle.
Aquick liver detox is concentrated on raw organic fruits, vegetables and grains with the addition of sufficient amounts of water. You must exclude high fat and sugar processed foods, junk foods, coffee and alcohol one week before your planned detox diet.
Please consult a doctor before embarking on aliver cleansing dietif you feel you need to.
So, here is a plan for you to follow. (Note Before you start, do your shopping so that you are fully prepared, and can focus on your detox, and not risk breaking it by running out of the detox foods. And, if at any time during your liver detox diet, you feel pain, nausea or vomiting, stop it and consult a doctor.)
1 to 3 Day Detox Diet
You start with an abundance of liquid intake - 10 -12 glasses of water a day with freshly squeezed lime juice. You will feel tired and weak as the toxins are flushed out of your body. If you can, simple walking will quicken the process. Please remember milk and dairy products must be excluded at this time.
Mint and other herbal teas are great! Make freshly squeezed juices, with a higher percentage of vegetable juices (add an apple for flavor), and salads with citrus juice for flavor. Eat as much as you want. If you choose to stop here, that's just fine, because now you have finished a3 day detox. Well done!
4 To 6 Day Detox Diet
Eat lots of raw fruits and vegetables together with whole brown rice or barley.
Prepare juices with oranges, apples, carrots and celery. Mix and match fruits and vegetables to suit your taste.
Even though you are eating solid foods, keep up with plenty of fluids.
Try some herbal teas for a change in taste.
Chop and boil vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, spinach and celery into a broth and drink this every three hours.
Avoid bread and any wheat during your detox to give your body a break from this grain at this time.
7 Day Detox Diet
If you choose to go for a full 7 day detox, then keep up with the fluids along with vegetables and fruit that can be steamed or eaten raw. Drink rosemary and dandelion teas.Detox 7 days and you will have achieved so much. Well done!
Coming off of your Fast Liver Detox Diet
When you are ready to resume normal eating, your regular diet can be resumed, but ease into it with simple foods like steamed vegetables, fresh soups, and add a little olive oil into your diet. Keep up the high water intake. And easy on the alcohol! It makes your liver work hard.
So to recap,
Choose the number of days
Go Shopping!
10-12 glasses of water with lemon and lime every day
Herbal teas
Fresh Vegetable and fruit juices focus on vegetable.
Salad with citrus for flavor
Fresh vegetable broth
Steamed vegetables, brown rice or barley
Come off your detox diet gradually - ease back into your regular diet
So you can see why afastliver detoxis beneficial to your body and your liver. Try it and feel the change in your body and your skin, and your well-being inside and outside of your body!!
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