Adventure Travel Planning Made Easy

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Adventure Travel Planning Made Easy
I found myself gazing into the eyes of a gorilla toddler in the heart of Africa. That playful "child" walked right up to me and sat at my feet as I backed up against a wall of sharp nettles with nowhere to go. There were no barriers between us; nothing that separated us.
The toddler's mother was unconcerned with my presence, and the dominant male let it be known who was boss with his powerful displays. I was right there in the middle of them while on my gorilla trek, and it was one of the most exhilarating experiences of my life.

Share: Soon after that trip I started researching new and exciting adventure travel experiences, and before I knew it I had had a wealth of adventure travel planning information at my fingertips. So, I thought I would share it with others.
First, I'll give you a list of things you need to do, and at the end I'll tell you where you can find in one place -- the solutions for each and every point. You may want to add some things of your own, but this list will give you a great start.
1) Get a list of activities by destination. If you're off to Alaska what can you do there besides dog sledding and snow shoeing? You need to get some activity ideas so you don't miss out on something you'd enjoy just because you didn't know it was available.
2) For those looking for new experiences, make sure they're a good fit for you. How much risk is involved? What level of fitness do you need? Do you have the right skills? Get these questions answered.
3) See if the travel and adventure experience is within your budget. Check out different travel companies and compare costs. If it's an overseas adventure travel destination you'll also need to check the currency conversion rate. You can shop by destination for a given experience to see which one gives you more bang for your buck.
4) Make sure you prepare for any possible health concern. There are several sources for global health watch information, and it's a good idea to check more than one of them to give you a well-rounded view of your destination.
5) Get some travel insurance. You can find insurance to cover a variety of scenarios from medical needs to trip cancellation. And it's pretty inexpensive when you consider the security it offers. How much is peace of mind worth to you while you're in a foreign land?
6) Confirm that you're passport is in order. Timing can be an issue. For instance, if you're a citizen of the USA and at the time of your trip you have less than six months until your passport expires you're going to have some problems. Be smart and make sure your passport is in order and also check to see if you need a visa for your specific destination(s).
7) Play it safe by reading all relevant travel advisories. There are pockets of turmoil in the world, and you can avoid them if you know where they are. You would be wise to check out more than one source in order to get a comprehensive perspective to ensure your safety.
8) Use online travel guides. There are several good online travel guides to help you dig into the details when planning your adventure travel trip.
9) Ask a travel expert for tips and insider information. Many adventure travelers don't know about a free resource that lets you tap into a network of travel experts for tips and insider information on destinations all around the world. You can access this new service at the website listed below.
10) Check the weather forecast for your destination right before you leave. As you know, weather can change in a flash. So, get the local weather forecast and make any adjustments to your vacation schedule (and what you need, or don't need, to pack) before you head out the door.

Share: 11) Check the time differential. Find out how many hours your destination is ahead, or behind, your local time so you can prepare to adjust ASAP.
You can spend your time surfing and searching the Web for all this information if you like, but all adventure travel planning points listed above can be taken care of quickly and easily at one Web siteand it's all free. You can find it below.
Copyright 2010 Adventure Travel Mentor
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