Sit N Go Tournaments - When To Go All-In And Why

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Playing Sit N Go tournaments is extremely fun if you are reading this I am sure you know. But beside the fun and recreational aspect of playing Hold Em, most of us also like to win. Maybe it's the feeling or maybe it's the money most likely it is both, but winning is usually what we want.
But if there is one thing I have found playing Sit N Go tournaments, it is that sometimes you have to take risks to win, and sometime these risks eventuate into problems. The biggest risk and problem is when players go all-in. This is because if you go all-in and you lose, you are completely out of the Sit N Go tournament game over.
Maybe this scenario sounds familiar? You're playing a hand, a bit of a bet here, someone raises there, you call, flop comes, a bit of a bet, a raise, then boom, you opponent all-ins. What started out as a normal hand is now a decision that could cost you the whole tournament.
If you want to win the tournament then you don't want to make the wrong decision. As you fold more and more when these situations come up your opponents will be doing it more and more just to scare you - to steal your chips. Sooner or later you stack is dwindling and you can't win a hand without having to put everything on the line. What do you do?
The answer is this: there are only certain times you want to be going all-in, because, remember, you are risking the whole Sit N Go tournament. And if you have been in a tournament for an hour the last thing you want is to lose it all, take home nothing, and have just wasted your time and money on the entrance fee.
The times you want to all-in are this:
1 When you have a very good hand
2 When you believe you are a favourite to win
3 Preferably after the flop, so you know your real chance of winning (if you all-in before the flop the flop could come random and you could be out. This is just gambling.
The most important point is this
4 You want to be going all-in against players that have a smaller stack then you, so in case you lose you aren't out.
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