Advanced Article Marketing Versus Basic Article Marketing
Advanced article marketing is not a new concept
. This form of marketing is the most common form of article marketing utilized today within the internet marketing field. The difference with advanced article marketing as compared to basic article-marketing is that the advanced method focuses more on "quality" rather than "quantity". You still utilize links but higher quality of links. I want to give the breakdown of what advanced article marketing campaigns look like:
You write a specified number of quality articles within your niche. You will have two separate options which will be timely stories or features.
You will compile a publication list while taking the time to find out personal information for appropriate editors while reviewing the writer's guidelines.
You will write a brief pitch letter.
Your articles will be published with sometimes exclusive rights but typically first rights.
You play the waiting game.
Why do article marketers not approve of advanced marketing strategies?
Many article marketers do not approve of this marketing approach. The reasons for the disapprovals is primarily because it entails far too much work or they can't realize the importance of ten quality articles over per say 30 non-quality articles. Most article marketers who perform this method correctly rarely go back to basic article-marketing.
Quality versus quantity
When you utilize the method of advanced article-marketing, you must understand that there is value in the exclusive article which you write. Believe it or not, you do not want to be found all over the internet with the same published content as well as the same links. When you utilize basic article marketing techniques, you are not truly contributing to the niche beyond the first article you have written and published. Seasoned readers do make their way around the internet and if they view the same material continuously, they begin to view it as clutter and the search engines will not approve of such material.
Building authority with your quality content
You want to build authority with your advanced marketing campaign. It is not about the number of websites your articles will be viewed upon, it about which websites pick up your content. You need to pick a niche while publishing articles within that particular niche. You want to bring in more sales by publishing fewer articles on high traffic websites. Quality articles are recognized and loved by internet search engines.