Affiliate Marketing Tips: The #1 Way To Increase Your Sales Conversions Every Time
Regardless of how well put together your marketing machine is
, from squeeze page all the way through to the sale, the fact remains that conversion is king. Without a sales conversion there will be no money for you. Thus, converting prospects into buyers is the most difficult thing for an affiliate to accomplish.
As an affiliate our job is not to actually sell the prospect on the product we are marketing, but to instead, pre-sell them on the offer they are about to be presented with.
The difference between selling and pre-selling is not easily understood. Pre-selling is definitely an art that should be studied by every affiliate, as it has everything to do with whether or not that affiliate will earn a few dollars here and there or create a full-time affiliate income.
Regardless of whether you are giving away free information, or charging a small amount to access a report that leads to an even bigger product recommendation, getting your prospects to go from passively reading your content to making the purchase you wish them to make can seem like a huge jump. That jump is where the art of pre-selling comes into play. It is a very small window and only those who do it well survive and make the sale.
In all of my years of studying the art of the pre-sell as an affiliate, I have come up with what I consider to be the #1 way to increase your sales conversion through the pre-selling process. As long as I focus on this #1 thing, making sure it is always on my mind as I create my affiliate campaigns, I make sales. The art of pre-selling can be summed up in these two words: Building Trust.
Building Trust:
No matter what kind of content I am creating to help make sales as an affiliate, ALL of this content needs to be thought of as pre-sell content, and it all needs to be created with the sole aim of Building Trust with customers. Building trust is a loaded item, and I have found that to do it right there are three main components that must be included within every pre-sell. These three things are:
- Be Genuine
- Provide Value
- Sell With Confidence
1) Be genuine
This is less of a step in your pre-selling process then it is a state of mind but it is so important. As you are building out your campaigns are you thinking about what it is you are providing to the prospective customer? Do you know the product you are selling and do you really know how it can help the people you are trying to sell it to? If you do not know the needs of your prospective customer you cannot genuinely help them and they will totally pick up on that. They won't buy from you.
You cannot fake being genuine, and it is not something you can learn. It is something you are or are not. You know what I am talking about and I don't have to explain it. You know whether you are being genuine or not in your marketing. Every marketer does. I am here to tell you that if you are not genuinely interested in the well-being of your prospective customers and what they could accomplish with the use of the product you are introducing to them, you will NEVER be able to follow through with the second part of a successful pre-sell. You won't be able to provide value.
2) Provide Value
Lets face it. This is what business and making money is all about. Those who make the most money in any industry are the ones who provide the most value, or the most perceived value in their markets. If you are not making any money with affiliate marketing you can bet you are not providing any value to your prospective customer. You can't build trust without being genuine and you cannot truly be valuable to your customers either.
It doesn't matter what you are trying to sell. If the product is good and there is any money in the sale of it, you will come up against stiff competition. The easiest way to overcome your competition and win is to make sure you focus on building trust. Building trust starts with providing genuine value to your customers. This value you create can take on many forms and it depends on what it is the people in the specific market need and are looking for.
You can provide free information on topics of interest, give away free product samples, or even create a simple text or video presentation talking about how you and the product your representing can help them. Without providing anything of value to people you cannot expect them to blindly hit the Buy Now button and buy from you.
3) Sell With Confidence
This third aspect is also more of a mind-state than anything, but it is not something you can just manufacture either. Where being genuine is something you either are or are not, selling with confidence is something that cannot happen without the first two aspects being in play. You won't be able to sell with confidence unless you have provided genuine value. It is just not going to happen.
When you start to sell with confidence a new world opens up for you and you will become proud of what you do. Real sales is all about providing a service and providing value.
When you do things right you will never feel as if you are being a "slick-willie used car salesman." If you feel that way now you are not doing things right.
THis is where the rubber meets the road in affiliate marketing. If you are not making the kind of money you want as an affiliate you are likely not focused on the correct things. Yes there is stiff competition out there and that comes into play, but close to 80% of the affiliate promotions I see these days, even from very well-known guru marketers fail to follow these simple rules. This means if you take what I have said in this article to heart, your competition will be so much smaller.
If you follow-through on what I have talked about here something amazing will take place. You will create an environment of trust and this trust will result in more sales every time.
by: Adam Bauthues
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Affiliate Marketing Tips: The #1 Way To Increase Your Sales Conversions Every Time