Acne children sufferers may be more common than you think
. It is possible for children under the age of puberty to suffer from an acne breakout. This may be quite difficult for these children as the chances are they will be the only one of their friends to have it and it is unexpected. However there are a few steps us as parents can take to avoid acne from developing in our children.
Food Intake:
A lot of the time what causes acne in children is a poor diet. Getting the right amount of vitamins and minerals is essential as it will really help to maintain healthy skin. Stuffing children's lunch boxes with chocolates and unhealthy food options is not a good idea as this will seriously impact Acne Children sufferers hugely. Giving them there five a day is pretty important.
Off course this isn't top of any child list of priorities, but for a child that is prone to suffering from acne, then they need to do it. As a parent however, what you need to do is provide them with an alcohol free and oil free cleanser for them to wash their face with. Be sure to also teach your child to pat dry their face and not rub dry.
No Picking or Touching:
Do not allow your child to pick or touch there face. This could be one of the causes for the acne, as dirt and oil from them can easily be transferred to your face. This can result in the facial pores becoming blocked. Help them to remember not to touch their face when you notice them doing it.
Basically acne is not uncommon in children. By following the above tips you can help Acne Children lessen their skin problem. However if these tips don't seem to work then you should visit: as it contains a great acne cure that will work wonders in eliminating your child's acne in no time at all.