» Children Insurance » 5 Factors of the Modern World that Lead to Child Obesity
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5 Factors of the Modern World that Lead to Child Obesity

5 Factors of the Modern World that Lead to Child Obesity

5 Factors of the Modern World that Lead to Child Obesity

According to a showing on CBS News in January 2010, 2/3 of Americans are overweight, but even more alarming is the fact that childhood obesity has tripled over the last three decades. So, is child obesity a problem? That question hardly needs asking, but what concerned parents want to know is why--after all, it takes understanding a problem before you can get around to finding a solution. And if you look at the lives of children in the modern era as compared to the kind of childhood most of us lived, it's really not that hard to see.Let's look at 5 major factors of the modern world that are leading to this increase in child obesity.1. High-tech EntertainmentOne major contributor is not so much sedentary living but the fact that the things that keep us sedentary have become so attractive. The special effects of movies and video games have reached a pinnacle of complexity, and even a 35 year old adult could find themselves lost in the world of gaming opportunities, where virtual realities often consume people's lives. Sprinkle a child's imagination into the mix and it's no wonder they can sit for months and months lost in a virtual world.2. Busy ParentsWhile many parents know their children need some serious lifestyle changes, they simply don't have the time to make that happen anymore. In most cases, both parents have to work and there is no one around to get the kids out and about.3. ParanoiaIn the cities, violence in the media can often discourage families from allowing their children to go out on their own--so doing things like hiking around town or riding bicycles is completely off limits. While there are some dangers out there (largely depending on the area you live in), many parents are taking it too far. Social problems are not as bad as the news programs would lead us to believe. It's just that we constantly get hammered with a barrage of bad stories and therefore assume the world is a dangerous place.4. Poor NutritionMany of our children, just like us, do not get a healthy diet, and this is a large contributor to child obesity. The foods we eat are typically highly processed as well as loaded with sugars and fat. What our children need is whole foods and plenty of vegetables--and portions need to be significantly minimized because Americans eat way too much.5. Bad ExamplesAs the statistics show, many of us are just as unhealthy as our children, and this is largely a cause for this problem. Children learn by imitation. If we are eating unhealthy and never engaging in active past-times, they are bound to do the same, especially if we apply the same unhealthy principles to planning their diet and day. What kids need is not mystery--it's what every person needs if they wish to combat obesity and the diseases that come along with it. They need plenty of exercise and a healthy diet.Need it any more simple that that? Exercise is as simple as children running around a yard. Good diet is as simple as real foods (not processed) and avoiding overeating. That's it--and that's why even you can give your children the healthy habits they need.
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