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4 Different Ways To Make Cash Using Adsense

4 Different Ways To Make Cash Using Adsense

You may not realize it but there are many answers to how to make money with Adsense

. Here are four.

While you may have heard plenty of hype about Google?s Adsense, maybe you?re not convinced that you can really know how to make money with Adsense. Maybe you don?t think the service lives up to its hype. Well, in some cases it won?t because the users don?t have a good strategy for bringing the traffic to the site or encouraging higher CTRs (click through rates). Here are some ideas that can change that.


If you?re interested in learning how to make money with Adsense, a newsletter could be the answer you?ve been waiting for all this time. Newsletters are great when used correctly. First, use a freebie or other offer to encourage people to sign up. Next, send out a content-rich newsletter but only provide teaser descriptions and attention getting headlines along with links back to pages on your site where the rest of the content is provided. On these pages, have relevant Adsense ads. Because visitors are already interested in the content, they are more likely to click on the ads and you are more likely to make some money.


You can also master the question of how to make money with Adsense by starting up a blog. As with newsletters, these can be great because they will increase your traffic and will bring in pre-qualified traffic. That means you?ll be marketing to people who are already interested in what your ads promote. That always makes your job easier. Remember though your blog entries must be optimized for certain keywords in order to get the appropriate Google ads to pop up.

Ad Placement

When you start experimenting with how to make money with Adsense, you?ll find that ad placement is one of the factors that can affect your success. One of the biggest no-no?s you want to avoid is placing your ads at the bottom of the page. Now if you?re using horizontal link units this might be a good strategy but with traditional Google Adsense ads research has proven this to be ineffective. Why? Because most of the visitors to your site are not going to scroll down to the bottom of the page. They will never get a chance to see the ad or to click on it. Instead, keep your ads closer to the top and always to the left if you want to maximize your results.

Blending In

Another big problem with how to make money with Adsense is the best way to present the ads. On the one hand, you want them to stand out so audiences will see them and click on them. However, if they stand out too much they may be dismissed by visitors as ads. That means you really want to blend them into the rest of your content. To do this, you should always get rid of the ad?s border, type all of your content using the same font as the ad, and match the font?s color to the rest of your site. Consider incorporating the ads into your content as well.

by: Chatel Musgrove
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4 Different Ways To Make Cash Using Adsense