4 Best Tips To Make Your Business Cards Better Than The Competition
The business card is often viewed as a first impression about you
, your business and its products and services. Make sure that impression will be a lasting and favourable one by creating a card that matches your character. Business cards printing is always best left to a printing company for a polished and professional finish. Printing your own cards may not result in the quality look you are after.
To stand out from the competition it is necessary to know how they present their companies by way of logos and brand name themes. Check colour schemes and look for something unique in a design that is completely different to your rivals.
The following gives some of the best tips to produce a card that will stand out from your competitors and some ideas for when and how to use your cards.
Quality Finish
Nothing stands out more than a card that is cheaply made with a shabby look on flimsy paper. Do it yourself kits with the perforated edges and smudged ink tell your customers and potential clients that your work could be as second class as your cards.
Aim instead for a professional finish on high quality card of reasonable weight. Glossy finishes attract attention from the start and portray an image of sophistication.
Bold Design and Colours
Put some thought into designs that are unique and original. Make your card different to competitors with the use of images that reflect the nature of your business or products. Decide on simple or elaborate designs depending on the message you are trying to convey.
Experiment with different types of fonts and be creative with the use of colours, not just for the ink but the background as well. Multi coloured cards that reflect your business can look most stunning when used in contrast to the tones of print. Using a business card color printing service will take the card to a higher standard.
Professional Touch
Commission a printer to add that professional touch at every stage of production. Start with an idea for design, colour and font types and discuss this with a printing company. They will have graphic designers and people on staff ready to improve on your theme. Discuss your ideal outcome of the finished product to make sure everyone is on the same page.
Uses for Business Cards
Use your business card at every opportunity as an introduction to your products or services. Include in orders and staple to invoices. Local stores will gladly let you leave a stack on their shop counters. Remember to take plenty to trade displays or exhibitions.
Even though it seems the world is fully electronic, there will always be a time and place to hand over a business card. Create a work of art or make a simple statement with your card that reflects your company and individual character.