4 Critical Steps to Staffing Success when you Open a Dollar Store by:Bob Hamilton
Share: If you were to sit down and create a list of all the things it takes to achieve success
and dollar store profits when you open a dollar store, the list would be long indeed. Of course the store location and the final store accessibility and appearance would be at the top of the list. There would be generating tons of new, targeted traffic and then carrying exactly the products those shoppers want and need. There would be having the best suppliers for dollar store merchandise. Then locating, hiring and training the very best employees would certainly enter the picture. The list just seems to go on and on. In this article we will look at the staffing function. Read on as I present 4 critical steps to staffing success when you open a dollar store.
#1) Continually seek prospects. You may feel there is no need to even worry about staffing. Things have been going well for a few weeks. What could happen? Its just as you begin to feel comfortable that a current employee receives another job offer or experiences a family emergency requiring them to move clear across the country today. Take steps to cushion the impact of losing an employee by spending a few minutes with applicants who ask about potential openings. Pass out a business card whenever you meet someone who might be a good fit for your business.
#2) Develop a sound staffing model that is appropriate for your business. Take the time to document the staffing levels that will work best for your business. Consider the actual job requirements as a part of the final decision on which positions to include. Look for opportunities to incorporate multiple jobs into a single position. For example you could have cashiers cross trained to complete receiving and pricing duties or even stocking as a way to increase hours without adding headcount. Be sure to consider sales levels to ensure you know when to add another employee as your sales and dollar store profits continue to grow.
#3) Create a clear, concise list of roles and responsibilities associated with every position in your business. When you open your store dont just create a list of job titles. Really think about how each position can add value to the overall business operation and your future dollar store profits. Look for opportunities to incorporate tasks from multiple jobs into a single position. Look for ways to provide growth opportunities to your high performing current employees.
#4) Ask for and check references as a part of the staffing process when you open a dollar store. While todays environment isnt conducive to providing lots of details about current or former employees you may be able to glean enough information to make the call worth your time. For example even being able to verify job title and dates of an employee helps to verify the truth of the information an applicant provides. It also helps you understand the basics of what employees have done in their role with previous employers. Since your future dollar store profits depend on hiring the very best employees possible, it is important to collect as much information from former employers as possible.
To your dollar store success!
About the author
Learn how you can Start your own Dollar Store Business at
http://www.openingadollarstore.com. Bob Hamilton is an entrepreneur, author, writer, business consultant and trainer.
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4 Critical Steps to Staffing Success when you Open a Dollar Store by:Bob Hamilton Seattle